Police Brutality & Executions


nowhere special


Retired 23 years
When I was young I had a cop do his good deed for the day and confiscate a pack of smokes from me (hell I was old enough to smoke ---14). After he took them he said they were even his brand.


Inordinately Right
President Trump Will Reverse Ban on FREE Military Gear For Police

Brace yourself for unsettling news. Attorney Jeff Sessions just told a huge group of law enforcement officials in Nashville that President Trump will sign an executive order that reverses an Obama-era ban on the military giving equipment to local police for free. That means that cops will once again have access to tanks, bayonets, grenade launchers, weaponized aircraft, and ammunition above .50 caliber. For free.

The new plan to arm local police with military equipment will reportedly take place immediately, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who’s feared the semblance of martial law in Trump’s America.


Nine Lives
President Trump Will Reverse Ban on FREE Military Gear For Police

Brace yourself for unsettling news. Attorney Jeff Sessions just told a huge group of law enforcement officials in Nashville that President Trump will sign an executive order that reverses an Obama-era ban on the military giving equipment to local police for free. That means that cops will once again have access to tanks, bayonets, grenade launchers, weaponized aircraft, and ammunition above .50 caliber. For free.

The new plan to arm local police with military equipment will reportedly take place immediately, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who’s feared the semblance of martial law in Trump’s America.
Need to put that stuff in the big cities ... we already got that covered in the country.


Nine Lives
Good grief! It's dead in here tonight.

Is there anyone out there?

Maybe it's the Political Hackers/Pundits are not on TV due to Harvey coverage.
Real news for a change.