Well-Known Member
Tony is former management at UPS and an owner of the site. If I were a betting man, I'd bet he's Republican, or an 'Independent' who just votes R all the time.As a Republican, you can bet he's not your buddy.
Tony is former management at UPS and an owner of the site. If I were a betting man, I'd bet he's Republican, or an 'Independent' who just votes R all the time.As a Republican, you can bet he's not your buddy.
Tony is former management at UPS and an owner of the site. If I were a betting man, I'd bet he's Republican, or an 'Independent' who just votes R all the time.
Found this today on Reddit.
Six years ago, Hitchens perfectly predicts the current social climate of speech suppression, and warns that anyone who talks outside the script will be accused of bigotry.
Barbarians never take a city till someone holds the gates open for them.
Discussion thread on reddit
Tony- might I add that the constant use of the words "idiots", "morons", "imbeciles", and such do little to one's arguments, but, in fact, weaken them. What kind of argumentative skills tells anyone that using such words constantly makes anyone veer to a different point of view?
The few times you have expressed political views, they have been from the right of center, nothing wrong with that.Tony is married to the site owner, also former part-timer and 5 year driver, not that that should matter. Go to Vegas with your bet and see how that works out. Another tribal thinker... So how does that help your cause?
I agree!
Myself or other mods don't read every post or thread.
If there is a personal attack or ad hominem, (responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than addressing the content of their arguments) you can report it.
Many personal attacks go unreported and add to the issues you speak of. You can also put someone on the "ignore" feature.
Are those your own words, or are you guilty of plagiarism, like you have accused others of?
Hopefully, that lead is in the canned food.
I think some of the mods can't read. They just look for dirty pictures
Whenever anyone talks "political correctness" I touch my butthole.
-Fred Thompson-
Another apologist for the tripe posted.with billions of people in the world its possible everything has been said at least once. In which case I just plagiarized this post.
Using taxpayer resources in the attempted coverup is why she was expelled. Everyone expects 'family values conservatives' to be just the opposite in their personal life.In Conservative Land this is a family values conservative.
View attachment 55385
Cindy Gamrat. Expelled from legislature for extramarital affair and lying to cover it up.
Another apologist for the tripe posted.
The few times you have expressed political views, they have been from the right of center, nothing wrong with that.
For some reason I thought you were a manager for some time. If that is not the case, my sincere apologies.