Politicians inciting violence

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Nobody is born wanting to collect welfare and do drugs. It's possible to end the cycle of poverty and addiction but it takes effort and sacrifice by the society as a whole.
A noble and true statement . I believe true racism lies a lot with politicians who pander and promise and deliver nothing. Also reliance on the government for handouts is tantamount to slavery .I wish I had the answer but I don't other than to treat every person the same as I would like to be treated.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Was Biden in the courtroom? What an idiot.

“I’m praying the verdict is the right verdict,” Biden said. “The evidence is overwhelming in my view.”

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

This crazy old bat and any other politician should be charged with inciting a riot when making comments like this.

"I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public." --Booker T. Washington
Even Snopes has stopped covering for the crazy old bitch!


Well-Known Member
A noble and true statement . I believe true racism lies a lot with politicians who pander and promise and deliver nothing. Also reliance on the government for handouts is tantamount to slavery .I wish I had the answer but I don't other than to treat every person the same as I would like to be treated.
The answer is investing in our youth, especially the ones who are in poverty stricken, high crime and drug rates. Get to these kids before they start a vicious cycle. Invest in education, sports after school programs. Investing in uplifting their families out of poverty and opportunities for furthering education and training for the parents. It's all about prevention and of those families from starting a vicious cycle rather than demonizing those who fall through the cracks.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The answer is investing in our youth, especially the ones who are in poverty stricken, high crime and drug rates. Get to these kids before they start a vicious cycle. Invest in education, sports after school programs. Investing in uplifting their families out of poverty and opportunities for furthering education and training for the parents. It's all about prevention and of those families from starting a vicious cycle rather than demonizing those who fall through the cracks.
How’s that working out in California?


Well-Known Member
The answer is investing in our youth, especially the ones who are in poverty stricken, high crime and drug rates. Get to these kids before they start a vicious cycle. Invest in education, sports after school programs. Investing in uplifting their families out of poverty and opportunities for furthering education and training for the parents. It's all about prevention and of those families from starting a vicious cycle rather than demonizing those who fall through the cracks.
It's a vicious cycle all the way around. You say don't demonize those who fall through the cracks. Are you saying we should remain above it all, not express opinions? Those who fall through the cracks often hurt others. They keep many legitimate businesses that provide jobs away from their neighborhoods. The thing is a lot of money has been spent since the 60's trying to do what you said. It's not up to outside forces to change the culture. Change comes from within. Surely you've noticed that there are black parents who care very much about their children, want the best for them. They instill character in them that allows them to finish school, get a degree, join the military, become a successful this or that, whatever. They escape those circumstances, and bring their parents with them. But too many are mired in a system that I used to say started with good intentions. I don't think that anymore. The system is founded on one principle, creating dependency on the government. The ones that break free, break the cycle, are bucking the system. Trying to "act white." No, if you truly want change it's going to have to come from within. Because over 50 years later new government programs haven't been proven to work, and are hazardous to the integrity of the black family.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's a vicious cycle all the way around. You say don't demonize those who fall through the cracks. Are you saying we should remain above it all, not express opinions? Those who fall through the cracks often hurt others. They keep many legitimate businesses that provide jobs away from their neighborhoods. The thing is a lot of money has been spent since the 60's trying to do what you said. It's not up to outside forces to change the culture. Change comes from within. Surely you've noticed that there are black parents who care very much about their children, want the best for them. They instill character in them that allows them to finish school, get a degree, join the military, become a successful this or that, whatever. They escape those circumstances, and bring their parents with them. But too many are mired in a system that I used to say started with good intentions. I don't think that anymore. The system is founded on one principle, creating dependency on the government. The ones that break free, break the cycle, are bucking the system. Trying to "act white." No, if you truly want change it's going to have to come from within. Because over 50 years later new government programs haven't been proven to work, and are hazardous to the integrity of the black family.
It’s similar to rural America. The people that can do better move out of the ghetto leaving only the desperate behind. I’ve had several drivers like that. The start working for me living in a crappy part of the city and after 6 months to a year of having a decent job they move away to a nicer part. It’s the correct decision for them but doesn’t improve the culture of the ghetto they were raised in.


Well-Known Member
It’s similar to rural America. The people that can do better move out of the ghetto leaving only the desperate behind. I’ve had several drivers like that. The start working for me living in a crappy part of the city and after 6 months to a year of having a decent job they move away to a nicer part. It’s the correct decision for them but doesn’t improve the culture of the ghetto they were raised in.
I don't think we should just abandon the ghetto. We should assist in eliminating hunger, provide housing. But it's never going to change unless those that are dependent no longer want that. And plenty are happy with that. And I'm being as honest as I can here. When I worked at FedEx I worked hard. Earned every penny. I've tried a few jobs since taking my pension four years ago. My FedEx experience doesn't really translate into good paying jobs. Most of it was totally mind numbing. The only thing that I enjoyed was expediting, traveling all the time. But it was so exhausting I had to quit. So I can sympathize with those who'd rather stay home and collect assistance. But that shouldn't happen with young, healthy adults. So if they must automate away millions of jobs then give good technical training to young adults and let them handle what is left. Give a UBI to people 45 and older to stay home.


Legio patria nostra
The answer is investing in our youth, especially the ones who are in poverty stricken, high crime and drug rates. Get to these kids before they start a vicious cycle. Invest in education, sports after school programs. Investing in uplifting their families out of poverty and opportunities for furthering education and training for the parents. It's all about prevention and of those families from starting a vicious cycle rather than demonizing those who fall through the cracks.

From the Kikiotolu News: The largest in Nigeria 09JAN21:

When this highly populated African country gained her independence, the poverty level was very low. However, after 58 years of independence, Nigeria has risen from a low poverty level status to become the country with one of the highest poverty level in the world. This is really bad, and the citizens are groaning.

Britain ruled Nigeria since the early 1800's until 1960. Since 1960, the country has gone completely straight downhill in all respects even though GB/EU continues to provide substantial grants and lease payments for land use, etc.

These people are simply not capable of civilization as we know it. Nigeria is one of the richest African countries and were left in great shape. They simply choose not to take care of their own people.....all blacks, even in the Hausa states (same tribe).

It's certainly not about "racism"! That's just a convenient excuse for not addressing the reality of what self-fulfilling prophesy the uninformed desire.


Well-Known Member
From the Kikiotolu News: The largest in Nigeria 09JAN21:

When this highly populated African country gained her independence, the poverty level was very low. However, after 58 years of independence, Nigeria has risen from a low poverty level status to become the country with one of the highest poverty level in the world. This is really bad, and the citizens are groaning.

Britain ruled Nigeria since the early 1800's until 1960. Since 1960, the country has gone completely straight downhill in all respects even though GB/EU continues to provide substantial grants and lease payments for land use, etc.

These people are simply not capable of civilization as we know it. Nigeria is one of the richest African countries and were left in great shape. They simply choose not to take care of their own people.....all blacks, even in the Hausa states (same tribe).

It's certainly not about "racism"! That's just a convenient excuse for not addressing the reality of what self-fulfilling prophesy the uninformed desire.
Ok neanderthal. Now go back to your cave....


Legio patria nostra
Ok neanderthal. Now go back to your cave....
Case in point right here....You insist that you're "picked on" because you're black and viewed as an inferior race, but when I post a snippet from a Nigerian news source; a country that is 99.9999% black and "racism" can't exist by your definition, you have no retort because YOU'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH!!!
You people will never become civilized with your attitude and DNA


Well-Known Member
Case in point right here....You insist that you're "picked on" because you're black and viewed as an inferior race, but when I post a snippet from a Nigerian news source; a country that is 99.9999% black and "racism" can't exist by your definition, you have no retort because YOU'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH!!!
You people will never become civilized with your attitude and DNA
Your inferiority complex is getting the best of you. Seek help, son...


Legio patria nostra
Your inferiority complex is getting the best of you. Seek help, son...
FunnyKaf.......Any idea which tribe your family comes from?? That's probably "racist" to the uninformed, illiterate kind of person such as you.
Sorry, you may not even know who your actual parents are....


Staff member
All you need to know about Waters is she supported the thugs that beat Reginald Denny to a pulp. They smashed a cement block over his head! Maxine Waters visited ring leader- Damian Williams's home and offered her support. Support?
I’m sure there were good people on both sides.


Staff member
A noble and true statement . I believe true racism lies a lot with politicians who pander and promise and deliver nothing. Also reliance on the government for handouts is tantamount to slavery .I wish I had the answer but I don't other than to treat every person the same as I would like to be treated.
Do you cash your stimulus checks? Are you being enslaved?


Staff member
From the Kikiotolu News: The largest in Nigeria 09JAN21:

When this highly populated African country gained her independence, the poverty level was very low. However, after 58 years of independence, Nigeria has risen from a low poverty level status to become the country with one of the highest poverty level in the world. This is really bad, and the citizens are groaning.

Britain ruled Nigeria since the early 1800's until 1960. Since 1960, the country has gone completely straight downhill in all respects even though GB/EU continues to provide substantial grants and lease payments for land use, etc.

These people are simply not capable of civilization as we know it. Nigeria is one of the richest African countries and were left in great shape. They simply choose not to take care of their own people.....all blacks, even in the Hausa states (same tribe).

It's certainly not about "racism"! That's just a convenient excuse for not addressing the reality of what self-fulfilling prophesy the uninformed desire.
Oil rich capitalist state.