UPS is self insured but the long and the short is that Liberty Mutual handles the claims, correct me if I am wrong?Liberty mutual??
Did you get water anytime that day?
Why go home when you can work even slower, frequent water breaks, and not get heat stroke as a result. Seniority rules dude.
Realization of ManagmentI used to always laugh at people when they had a problem with management. But today has crystallized, the disregard of safety. Production over people's well being especially in this "Illinois Heat Wave".
Background + SafetyI never had a problem with heat, cause I was mostly on the sort aisle and we have fans that keep us somewhat cool while we sort. These trailers, on the other hand, have been sitting out in 94 Degree temperature out for hours, and make it almost unbearable to work in at a fast-moderate pace w/ out getting dizzy.
I'm a very "keep it to myself", kind of guy. So when I have a problem such as being sick, mildly hurt, or etc. I don't go running to Mr. Sup, I do my work as fast as possible with no complaining unless it's life-threatening. In this case today, I was doing trailers filled with bulk and it wasn't an easy 5hrs and 21 minutes until I lost it. I've noticed that management upholds there safety protocol at the beginning of the unload, sort, load, and etc session. But, when it gets closer to the end of the day. Pressure comes to supervisors exceptionally and then onto the us "hard workers". This results in serious violations and harassment to GET THE JOB DONE NOW! Keep in mind, I've never experienced this type of heat b/friend, cause I've always been on the sort aisle.
My StoryThe day started off with a sweat-drenched t-shirt and my supervisor was nice to let me cool down in a cooled trailer designed to cool off workers. I was not at my peak performance as I usually am when the trailers aren't 100+ Degrees and I'm unloading bulk after bulk trailer. 8:00 comes around and I'm starting to feel extremely sick (light-headed after each bulk item, loss of energy, Sking is red and hot, and dizziness when I'm bending over to pick up it up.) I'm working at my own pace, even with these problems I'm experiencing. I have only 2 pallets left, and there is a 135 lb piece of bulk on the floor and I ask my bulk sweeper to help me lift it. I also let my bulk sweeper know that I'm not feeling too well, he acknowledges and asks if he said he should grab a sup? 2 pallets left, near the end of the night, and High-Tolerance not too complain. So I say no, just help me out here.
My supervisor comes storming and yells at my bulk sweeper to go back up to take the bulk off. My sup starts screaming at me, about how I'm slow as. (Not the first time and not the last, But come on now.... this bulk.) My bulk sweeper lets my supervisor know that I haven't been feeling well and he's trying his best. He then goes on this rant about how everybody else is sick and I completely lost it on him. I yell at him,"that I'm working at my own pace for my safety and if it something goes wrong, It's on you now, since you want to push me past my boundaries with this heat." I get a nice-sarcastic reply of "if you really feel that sick, go home". I reply with alright, I'm going home. He seemed in shock and in a panic with the reply, "Wait, are you serious".
Replied w/ yes.
Long ago, I had another feeling of a possible heat stroke and somebody had reported it to my past supervisor. He had said for me to sit down, cool off, and come in if you feel better tomorrow. This supervisor breaks the cycle of over-aggressive production harassment to workers struggling.
ConclusionLike I said earlier, I rarely complain about my problems with mgmt. But I need to know my options, what I could have done better, and etc. I think I should have reported it earlier, to the supervisor of my problems. This could have been my fatal flaw, which resulted in his rant/etc. Sorry, to keep this long.
Please reply with comments on what you think. Was in the wrong or right in some areas, etc?
Realization of ManagmentI used to always laugh at people when they had a problem with management. But today has crystallized, the disregard of safety. Production over people's well being especially in this "Illinois Heat Wave".
Background + SafetyI never had a problem with heat, cause I was mostly on the sort aisle and we have fans that keep us somewhat cool while we sort. These trailers, on the other hand, have been sitting out in 94 Degree temperature out for hours, and make it almost unbearable to work in at a fast-moderate pace w/ out getting dizzy.
I'm a very "keep it to myself", kind of guy. So when I have a problem such as being sick, mildly hurt, or etc. I don't go running to Mr. Sup, I do my work as fast as possible with no complaining unless it's life-threatening. In this case today, I was doing trailers filled with bulk and it wasn't an easy 5hrs and 21 minutes until I lost it. I've noticed that management upholds there safety protocol at the beginning of the unload, sort, load, and etc session. But, when it gets closer to the end of the day. Pressure comes to supervisors exceptionally and then onto the us "hard workers". This results in serious violations and harassment to GET THE JOB DONE NOW! Keep in mind, I've never experienced this type of heat b/friend, cause I've always been on the sort aisle.
My StoryThe day started off with a sweat-drenched t-shirt and my supervisor was nice to let me cool down in a cooled trailer designed to cool off workers. I was not at my peak performance as I usually am when the trailers aren't 100+ Degrees and I'm unloading bulk after bulk trailer. 8:00 comes around and I'm starting to feel extremely sick (light-headed after each bulk item, loss of energy, Sking is red and hot, and dizziness when I'm bending over to pick up it up.) I'm working at my own pace, even with these problems I'm experiencing. I have only 2 pallets left, and there is a 135 lb piece of bulk on the floor and I ask my bulk sweeper to help me lift it. I also let my bulk sweeper know that I'm not feeling too well, he acknowledges and asks if he said he should grab a sup? 2 pallets left, near the end of the night, and High-Tolerance not too complain. So I say no, just help me out here.
My supervisor comes storming and yells at my bulk sweeper to go back up to take the bulk off. My sup starts screaming at me, about how I'm slow as. (Not the first time and not the last, But come on now.... this bulk.) My bulk sweeper lets my supervisor know that I haven't been feeling well and he's trying his best. He then goes on this rant about how everybody else is sick and I completely lost it on him. I yell at him,"that I'm working at my own pace for my safety and if it something goes wrong, It's on you now, since you want to push me past my boundaries with this heat." I get a nice-sarcastic reply of "if you really feel that sick, go home". I reply with alright, I'm going home. He seemed in shock and in a panic with the reply, "Wait, are you serious".
Replied w/ yes.
Long ago, I had another feeling of a possible heat stroke and somebody had reported it to my past supervisor. He had said for me to sit down, cool off, and come in if you feel better tomorrow. This supervisor breaks the cycle of over-aggressive production harassment to workers struggling.
ConclusionLike I said earlier, I rarely complain about my problems with mgmt. But I need to know my options, what I could have done better, and etc. I think I should have reported it earlier, to the supervisor of my problems. This could have been my fatal flaw, which resulted in his rant/etc. Sorry, to keep this long.
Please reply with comments on what you think. Was in the wrong or right in some areas, etc?
dont confuse heat exhaustion with heat stroke. Heat exhaustion will lead to heat stroke if symptoms aren't treated with fluids, resting in cool place.if heat exhaustion is ignored it will become a heat stroke and require a trip to er for iv's of fluids and more if its a bad case. Been there done thatRealization of ManagmentI used to always laugh at people when they had a problem with management. But today has crystallized, the disregard of safety. Production over people's well being especially in this "Illinois Heat Wave".
Background + SafetyI never had a problem with heat, cause I was mostly on the sort aisle and we have fans that keep us somewhat cool while we sort. These trailers, on the other hand, have been sitting out in 94 Degree temperature out for hours, and make it almost unbearable to work in at a fast-moderate pace w/ out getting dizzy.
I'm a very "keep it to myself", kind of guy. So when I have a problem such as being sick, mildly hurt, or etc. I don't go running to Mr. Sup, I do my work as fast as possible with no complaining unless it's life-threatening. In this case today, I was doing trailers filled with bulk and it wasn't an easy 5hrs and 21 minutes until I lost it. I've noticed that management upholds there safety protocol at the beginning of the unload, sort, load, and etc session. But, when it gets closer to the end of the day. Pressure comes to supervisors exceptionally and then onto the us "hard workers". This results in serious violations and harassment to GET THE JOB DONE NOW! Keep in mind, I've never experienced this type of heat b/friend, cause I've always been on the sort aisle.
My StoryThe day started off with a sweat-drenched t-shirt and my supervisor was nice to let me cool down in a cooled trailer designed to cool off workers. I was not at my peak performance as I usually am when the trailers aren't 100+ Degrees and I'm unloading bulk after bulk trailer. 8:00 comes around and I'm starting to feel extremely sick (light-headed after each bulk item, loss of energy, Sking is red and hot, and dizziness when I'm bending over to pick up it up.) I'm working at my own pace, even with these problems I'm experiencing. I have only 2 pallets left, and there is a 135 lb piece of bulk on the floor and I ask my bulk sweeper to help me lift it. I also let my bulk sweeper know that I'm not feeling too well, he acknowledges and asks if he said he should grab a sup? 2 pallets left, near the end of the night, and High-Tolerance not too complain. So I say no, just help me out here.
My supervisor comes storming and yells at my bulk sweeper to go back up to take the bulk off. My sup starts screaming at me, about how I'm slow as. (Not the first time and not the last, But come on now.... this bulk.) My bulk sweeper lets my supervisor know that I haven't been feeling well and he's trying his best. He then goes on this rant about how everybody else is sick and I completely lost it on him. I yell at him,"that I'm working at my own pace for my safety and if it something goes wrong, It's on you now, since you want to push me past my boundaries with this heat." I get a nice-sarcastic reply of "if you really feel that sick, go home". I reply with alright, I'm going home. He seemed in shock and in a panic with the reply, "Wait, are you serious".
Replied w/ yes.
Long ago, I had another feeling of a possible heat stroke and somebody had reported it to my past supervisor. He had said for me to sit down, cool off, and come in if you feel better tomorrow. This supervisor breaks the cycle of over-aggressive production harassment to workers struggling.
ConclusionLike I said earlier, I rarely complain about my problems with mgmt. But I need to know my options, what I could have done better, and etc. I think I should have reported it earlier, to the supervisor of my problems. This could have been my fatal flaw, which resulted in his rant/etc. Sorry, to keep this long.
Please reply with comments on what you think. Was in the wrong or right in some areas, etc?
Finders keepers.Thanks for that, Georgia isn’t that far.
I can’t read a novel. SorryRealization of ManagmentI used to always laugh at people when they had a problem with management. But today has crystallized, the disregard of safety. Production over people's well being especially in this "Illinois Heat Wave".
Background + SafetyI never had a problem with heat, cause I was mostly on the sort aisle and we have fans that keep us somewhat cool while we sort. These trailers, on the other hand, have been sitting out in 94 Degree temperature out for hours, and make it almost unbearable to work in at a fast-moderate pace w/ out getting dizzy.
I'm a very "keep it to myself", kind of guy. So when I have a problem such as being sick, mildly hurt, or etc. I don't go running to Mr. Sup, I do my work as fast as possible with no complaining unless it's life-threatening. In this case today, I was doing trailers filled with bulk and it wasn't an easy 5hrs and 21 minutes until I lost it. I've noticed that management upholds there safety protocol at the beginning of the unload, sort, load, and etc session. But, when it gets closer to the end of the day. Pressure comes to supervisors exceptionally and then onto the us "hard workers". This results in serious violations and harassment to GET THE JOB DONE NOW! Keep in mind, I've never experienced this type of heat b/friend, cause I've always been on the sort aisle.
My StoryThe day started off with a sweat-drenched t-shirt and my supervisor was nice to let me cool down in a cooled trailer designed to cool off workers. I was not at my peak performance as I usually am when the trailers aren't 100+ Degrees and I'm unloading bulk after bulk trailer. 8:00 comes around and I'm starting to feel extremely sick (light-headed after each bulk item, loss of energy, Sking is red and hot, and dizziness when I'm bending over to pick up it up.) I'm working at my own pace, even with these problems I'm experiencing. I have only 2 pallets left, and there is a 135 lb piece of bulk on the floor and I ask my bulk sweeper to help me lift it. I also let my bulk sweeper know that I'm not feeling too well, he acknowledges and asks if he said he should grab a sup? 2 pallets left, near the end of the night, and High-Tolerance not too complain. So I say no, just help me out here.
My supervisor comes storming and yells at my bulk sweeper to go back up to take the bulk off. My sup starts screaming at me, about how I'm slow as. (Not the first time and not the last, But come on now.... this bulk.) My bulk sweeper lets my supervisor know that I haven't been feeling well and he's trying his best. He then goes on this rant about how everybody else is sick and I completely lost it on him. I yell at him,"that I'm working at my own pace for my safety and if it something goes wrong, It's on you now, since you want to push me past my boundaries with this heat." I get a nice-sarcastic reply of "if you really feel that sick, go home". I reply with alright, I'm going home. He seemed in shock and in a panic with the reply, "Wait, are you serious".
Replied w/ yes.
Long ago, I had another feeling of a possible heat stroke and somebody had reported it to my past supervisor. He had said for me to sit down, cool off, and come in if you feel better tomorrow. This supervisor breaks the cycle of over-aggressive production harassment to workers struggling.
ConclusionLike I said earlier, I rarely complain about my problems with mgmt. But I need to know my options, what I could have done better, and etc. I think I should have reported it earlier, to the supervisor of my problems. This could have been my fatal flaw, which resulted in his rant/etc. Sorry, to keep this long.
Please reply with comments on what you think. Was in the wrong or right in some areas, etc?
It is a very fine line. When your body shuts down, you're in heat exhaustion and beyond that you could easily go into heat stroke. If you have trouble speaking, don't know where you are, cannot sweat, vomit or feel like vomitiing, you are probably past heat exhaustion.dont confuse heat exhaustion with heat stroke. Heat exhaustion will lead to heat stroke if symptoms aren't treated with fluids, resting in cool place.if heat exhaustion is ignored it will become a heat stroke and require a trip to er for iv's of fluids and more if its a bad case. Been there done that
You have a few days to file an injury report especially since your supe was a witness and sent you home!My first year on in the sort aile I was breaking a jam on the small sort belt that is running along our feet and as I stood up a sphere shaped package came down the spiraled slide that pulled packages down from a belt about 15 feet up and smacked me full speed right in the head. Blacked out for about a second came to on the ground. Sup immediately told me to clock out and go home. Didn’t realize until I was halfway home I was concussed. Terrible headache from the headlights coming at me. Top it all off I slept it off. Told me I couldn’t make an injury report since I clocked out and it was left at that. They care about your safety until it interferes with production and mythical numbers on spread sheets. Had I had more time on the job and knew my rights an ambulance would have been coming for me. Stick up for yourself and your brothers and sisters.
You're right...and they suck!UPS is self insured but the long and the short is that Liberty Mutual handles the claims, correct me if I am wrong?
Then its your fault for not telling them or working too hard... and of course, "not following keys of lifting and lowering" lmaoYou are completely right. Management doesn’t care one bit about your health and safety until after you are injured. You should share this story with the corporate complaint line.
Nope. Now I don’t feel so bad for the piss bottle you spilled on yourself....Well it was quite hot last night on twilight I was unloading the package cars and puked on the floor of one. The boss was in the building screaming at me to go faster so I just left the puke there figuring I could get it later but never got around to it. The puke car wasn't one of the cars we washed last night either.
Any ideas what the driver will think of it when he sees that? They have no way to know it was me right?
Well it was quite hot last night on twilight I was unloading the package cars and puked on the floor of one. The boss was in the building screaming at me to go faster so I just left the puke there figuring I could get it later but never got around to it. The puke car wasn't one of the cars we washed last night either.
Any ideas what the driver will think of it when he sees that? They have no way to know it was me right?
He will think that if he knew who you were, he’d kick your butt.Any ideas what the driver will think of it when he sees that? They have no way to know it was me right?