Possible voter fraud discovered in Florida!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Do you understand the difference between VOTER FRAUD and REGISTRATION FRAUD?

Registering isnt VOTING.... Just because registration cards are submitted, that doesnt mean crap as they are caught by the election officials and DENIED.

DID acorn offices submit cards with cartoon names? YES, but those were right wing operatives filling them out and turning them in.

I am sure, the state wouldnt recognize Mickey Mouse as a voter...

Of the cases linked, most of the charges were dropped.

REGISTRATION fraud isnt the same as VOTER FRAUD.

Understand the difference.

Do you understand the difference between VOTER FRAUD and REGISTRATION FRAUD?

Registering isnt VOTING.... Just because registration cards are submitted, that doesnt mean crap as they are caught by the election officials and DENIED.

DID acorn offices submit cards with cartoon names? YES, but those were right wing operatives filling them out and turning them in.

I am sure, the state wouldnt recognize Mickey Mouse as a voter...

Of the cases linked, most of the charges were dropped.

REGISTRATION fraud isnt the same as VOTER FRAUD.

Understand the difference.

You sound upset. Do you need a hug?


Well-Known Member
Do you understand the difference between VOTER FRAUD and REGISTRATION FRAUD?

Registering isnt VOTING.... Just because registration cards are submitted, that doesnt mean crap as they are caught by the election officials and DENIED.

DID acorn offices submit cards with cartoon names? YES, but those were right wing operatives filling them out and turning them in.

I am sure, the state wouldnt recognize Mickey Mouse as a voter...

Of the cases linked, most of the charges were dropped.

REGISTRATION fraud isnt the same as VOTER FRAUD.

Understand the difference.


just make it up as you go.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Do you understand the difference between VOTER FRAUD and REGISTRATION FRAUD?

Registering isnt VOTING.... Just because registration cards are submitted, that doesnt mean crap as they are caught by the election officials and DENIED.

DID acorn offices submit cards with cartoon names? YES, but those were right wing operatives filling them out and turning them in.

I am sure, the state wouldnt recognize Mickey Mouse as a voter...

Of the cases linked, most of the charges were dropped.

REGISTRATION fraud isnt the same as VOTER FRAUD.

Understand the difference.

Why would anyone commit registration fraud, unless they intend to commit voter fraud?


Well-Known Member
Why would Bannon register to vote (twice) in a State that he doesn't even reside in?

That is true voter fraud, not quite the same as registering as D. Duck, 123 Main St, Anytown USA.


Well-Known Member
another rush to judgement attack on a conservative that will once again fade away as the story dissolves lacking a foundation.
Because acorn got paid for that. : personal attack deleted :