Pregnacy in Rape is God's Intent!


Nine Lives
Jay Leno and President OBAMA discuss the Richard Mourdock comment. by the way. THANKS MURDOCK for re-igniting the war on women.



That is definitely a good point.
The Republican party's inability to drop the abortion and other women's rights is the single-most important reason they don't control almost every political entity in the US.
Just idiotic!


Nine Lives
Would it be too much to ask you where you get this information?

Statistical analysis of the US Census and derivative analysis from sites such as :
Abortion Statistics

Essentially, if abortions were not legal, Obama would be cruising to a win instead of this tight race.
Statistical analysis indicates that almost all aborted children would be Democrats based on the demographic profile of their mother (fathers were mostly unknown).
Not all would be able to vote since many would have felony records and while Democrats, would not affect the election.


Staff member
Statistical analysis of the US Census and derivative analysis from sites such as :
Abortion Statistics

Essentially, if abortions were not legal, Obama would be cruising to a win instead of this tight race.
Statistical analysis indicates that almost all aborted children would be Democrats based on the demographic profile of their mother (fathers were mostly unknown).
Not all would be able to vote since many would have felony records and while Democrats, would not affect the election.
Not really. States that have the most restrictions on abortion all tend to vote republican, whereas the states that have the laxest abortion rules all tend to vote democratic. If your statement was accurate then the reverse would be true.


Well-Known Member
Not really. States that have the most restrictions on abortion all tend to vote republican, whereas the states that have the laxest abortion rules all tend to vote democratic. If your statement was accurate then the reverse would be true.

What sort of women do you think are having abortions mostly? Women who are single, young(teens and early 20s), and poor or married, middle class, in a stable household.


Staff member
What sort of women do you think are having abortions mostly? Women who are single, young(teens and early 20s), and poor or married, middle class, in a stable household.
I'm not sure what that has to do with it? Hoax stated that if abortion were illegal then Obama (a democrat) would win the election easily. If that were actually true then you would expect that the states with the most abortion restrictions would all be voting democratic and that's pretty clearly not happening.


bella amicizia
What sort of women do you think are having abortions mostly? Women who are single, young(teens and early 20s), and poor or married, middle class, in a stable household.
The dr I see happens to perform them. He is in the ritzy section of Syracuse and doesn't accept Medicaid. The rich girls having them don't talk about the fact that they got knocked up by their hubby's brother. The poor ones brag.


Well-Known Member

It all comes down to numbers. I do not speak for Hoax but the way I understood his comments are related to the high number of Abortions in the Black , Minority , poor and Liberal areas of society.

Abortions = less democratic voters in the future . Definitely not a scientific number but the thought would be if half the liberals aborted their children and the other half are gay = Less Obama voters. A little truth ,alot of humour !!

I believe on a sad note since Rowe vs Wade became the law of the land 50 million people have not been allowed to live their lives.


Well-Known Member
The dr I see happens to perform them. He is in the ritzy section of Syracuse and doesn't accept Medicaid. The rich girls having them don't talk about the fact that they got knocked up by their hubby's brother. The poor ones brag.

Bottom line no matter who has an abortion ---a heartbeat is stopped. Be thankful that it was not you or me !!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what that has to do with it? Hoax stated that if abortion were illegal then Obama (a democrat) would win the election easily. If that were actually true then you would expect that the states with the most abortion restrictions would all be voting democratic and that's pretty clearly not happening.

And hoaxster was 100% correct. I will rephrase my question. Irregardless of the individual states restrictions on abortions, do you think a female more apt to produce a democrat voter or a republican voter is more likely to seek out an abortion?


Nine Lives
Not really. States that have the most restrictions on abortion all tend to vote republican, whereas the states that have the laxest abortion rules all tend to vote democratic. If your statement was accurate then the reverse would be true.

All of those more moral states are not in play for the election ... solidly against Obama.
I was referring to the Mid-West and Eastern states such as Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, Pennsylvania, etc that are the swing states at this point.