He's the best!
Is this a prelude to your posting more gay porn from your personal library?
You deflectLike your fuhrer could ever do anything to make you feel differently.
Not at all.?
You reached the conclusion what goes on in my bedroom is morally abhorrent and that somehow being born sexually attracted to men and being born a murderer is comparable.
There’s really nothing left to discuss, I just like to highlight what a jackass you are.
Trust me I understand your argument, now are you ready for the bombshell? LolNot at all.
Come on out of the bedroom, Jill.
Get it.
The argument " I had no choice , I was born this way, can be made with any topic or subject to justify the behavior , right or wrong. If someone has NO CHOICE then the behavior MUST BE RIGHT.
I don't have to highlight your blindness.
If you don't see the argument, You're aing idiot.
As always.Sources say it happened...
Do y'all even have a guy who fits that description?Hey, he’s your big, strong, bold (as memed) man. Not ours.
Did you have a choice or were you born that way?Trust me I understand your argument, now are you ready for the bombshell? Lol
How is my sexual attraction wrong?
And you're doing the exact same thing that y'all accuse Republicans of doing, taking a few cases and saying that's what all or most really are. I mean, do I say all Democrats are baby killers just because tens of millions of them have murdered their baby? OK, yes I do."Why are political and religious figures who campaign against gay rights so often implicated in sexual encounters with same-sex partners?
In recent years, Ted Haggard, an evangelical leader who preached that homosexuality was a sin, resigned after a scandal involving a former male prostitute; Larry Craig, a United States senator who opposed including sexual orientation in hate-crime legislation, was arrested on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men’s bathroom; and Glenn Murphy Jr., a leader of the Young Republican National Convention and an opponent of same-sex marriage, pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after being accused of sexually assaulting another man.
One theory is that homosexual urges, when repressed out of shame or fear, can be expressed as homophobia. Freud famously called this process a “reaction formation” — the angry battle against the outward symbol of feelings that are inwardly being stifled. Even Mr. Haggard seemed to endorse this idea when, apologizing after his scandal for his anti-gay rhetoric, he said, “I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war.”
It’s a compelling theory — and now there is scientific reason to believe it. In this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we and our fellow researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire."
Opinion | Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay
Don’t deflect, what’s wrong with being gay?Did you have a choice or were you born that way?
Nothing ... as long as you don't procreate.Don’t deflect, what’s wrong with being gay?
No deflection Mr. Creative,Don’t deflect, what’s wrong with being gay?
What’s wrong with choosing to be gay?No deflection Mr. Creative,
If you were born gay, everything about it is right.
If you had a choice, having a choice automatically infers there can be a right choice and a wrong choice.
Again, not addressing the right or wrong of being gay. Addressing choice or no choice.
Again, were you born gay or did you choose to be gay.
NothingWhat’s wrong with choosing to be gay?
I'm gonna with, since you never answered, that you position is one cannot be born gay but chooses to be gay. ??What’s wrong with choosing to be gay?
Like your fuhrer could ever do anything to make you feel differently.
What’s wrong with choosing to be gay?
I'm gonna with, since you never answered, that you position is one cannot be born gay but chooses to be gay. ??
I'll try it this way.. Can a person be born a homosexual and have absolutely no choice in his life to be a heterosexual ? Yes or no?
Hey...you can deflect in another forum.. I know homosexuality is a favorite topic of yours.. but this is the Trumpsters forum.. Where would you like to move this conversation for more of your bullNo deflection Mr. Creative,
If you were born gay, everything about it is right.
If you had a choice, having a choice automatically infers there can be a right choice and a wrong choice.
Again, not addressing the right or wrong of being gay. Addressing choice or no choice.
Again, were you born gay or did you choose to be gay.