President Trump


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you be? I know I would, and I'm only a truck driver. Imagine being considered the dumbest president ever, and then proving it over and over every time you open your mouth or hit send.

Good thing he's a blissfully unaware half-tard or that could really weigh on a man's confidence.

Honestly I think Gee-Dubs was dumber than Trump


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you be? I know I would, and I'm only a truck driver. Imagine being considered the dumbest president ever, and then proving it over and over every time you open your mouth or hit send.

Good thing he's a blissfully unaware half-tard or that could really weigh on a man's confidence.
Maybe he'd make less mistakes if he took a teleprompter everywhere he went like Obama did. But then Obama still had trouble with his reading, pronouncing for example Navy "Corpsman" as "CORPSEMAN". Brilliant one, that Barack.


Inordinately Right
Maybe he'd make less mistakes if he took a teleprompter everywhere he went like Obama did.
Teleprompter idiots!!!!!
download (2).jpeg


Well-Known Member
Maybe he'd make less mistakes if he took a teleprompter everywhere he went like Obama did. But then Obama still had trouble with his reading, pronouncing for example Navy "Corpsman" as "CORPSEMAN". Brilliant one, that Barack.

Obama graduated from Columbia U and than went on to Harvard Law School. Contrast that to Trump, who had daddy to help him dodge the draft, and than pay off his teachers to let him graduate.


Well-Known Member
Obama graduated from Columbia U and than went on to Harvard Law School. Contrast that to Trump, who had daddy to help him dodge the draft, and than pay off his teachers to let him graduate.

you should probably unseal Obama's college records if you want to try to spin that fairy tale


Well-Known Member
Maybe he'd make less mistakes if he took a teleprompter everywhere he went like Obama did. But then Obama still had trouble with his reading, pronouncing for example Navy "Corpsman" as "CORPSEMAN". Brilliant one, that Barack.
Do you really gonna go there, playa?

There's been books written about your friends Dubya and Sarah Palin's idiocy when it came to the English language and pronunciation. Literally:

And let's just leave this video of some of Dubya's greatest hits here, shall we?

You seriously want to denigrate the greatest Presidential orator since JFK, and arguably ever, over a single slip of the tongue, when the GOP has people like the above holding their torch in the 2000's?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Obama graduated from Columbia U and than went on to Harvard Law School. Contrast that to Trump, who had daddy to help him dodge the draft, and than pay off his teachers to let him graduate.
Obama was spineless .
Trump is not.
I'll go with Trump.


Well-Known Member
you should probably unseal Obama's college records if you want to try to spin that fairy tale
Yeah, Harvard has been known for having less than stellar students head up their law review. It's one of those dirty open secrets that everyone knows but doesn't speak about. His rich family probably bought and paid for that :censored2:, no doubt.


Being elected the 1st black President of Harvard Law review was just a scam they ran to dissuade people from thinking they were a white-bred upper crust elitist school - trying to get some good PR for themselves, but we all see through that :censored2:, right?

That's why he never went on to amount to dick in his life.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Harvard has been known for having less than stellar students head up their law review. It's one of those dirty open secrets that everyone knows but doesn't speak about. His rich family probably bought and paid for that :censored2:, no doubt.


Being elected the 1st black President of Harvard Law review was just a scam they ran to dissuade people from thinking they were a white-bred upper crust elitist school - trying to get some good PR for themselves, but we all see through that :censored2:, right?

That's why he never went on to amount to dick in his life.

Some idiot might even call him a "very stable genius"....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Harvard has been known for having less than stellar students head up their law review. It's one of those dirty open secrets that everyone knows but doesn't speak about. His rich family probably bought and paid for that :censored2:, no doubt.


Being elected the 1st black President of Harvard Law review was just a scam they ran to dissuade people from thinking they were a white-bred upper crust elitist school - trying to get some good PR for themselves, but we all see through that :censored2:, right?

That's why he never went on to amount to dick in his life.

gee a black man was successful at a liberal college . interesting argument


Well-Known Member
'bone spurs" draft dodging Democrat turned Republican, pro choice turned pro life..... yeah he has a spine to stand up for his convictions alright. He laughs at peons like you drinking the kool aid....

all lead to what we have today. a president who's mastery of this economy is pure genius