What exactly does 3 families sharing a home have to do with paying their fair share? Who the

are you to criticize what other people, who don't have a pot to piss in, do in order to make ends meet and survive in a foreign land far from any type of family support system. Besides, Americans are one of the only cultures in the world where the families don't stay intact, and in most cases, in the same dwelling unit forever to help offset costs of living and provide child care etc.
Supreme Court legislating from the bench? Not surprising that it's a conservative who's hoping for consolidation of the judicial and legislative branch while they tout the constitution as the most infallible document ever written when it suits them to do so.
Wall just got 5 feet higher? What wall is that, chief? I must've missed it. But even if you do manage to get your wall, it wouldn't matter if it was 300 feet tall - they've been building super tunnels down Mexico way for 30 years now. That nonsense wall will change nothing in regards to crime - the only thing it will do is

with our economy, as we depend on those 'illegals' to fill a whole bevy of jobs that Americans will not do that are necessary for our economic welfare, particularly in agriculture. Food will rot on the vine without them, and all you TrumpTards know it.
AND we've been talking in this thread about how impeachment would be nearly impossible to pull off without a cooperative senate, so please stop talking about

you have no idea about, and/or being flat out disingenuous about liberal voters realistic viewpoint on the impeachment of Trump. It makes you look dumb in addition to dishonest.
Breitbart is rotting your breit-brain, kemosabi.