President Trump


Well-Known Member
I'm conflicted when it comes to @newfie and whether or not he's intelligent. On one hand, he has the spelling and writing skills of a 3rd grader, and his reading comprehension leaves a bit to be desired. But on the other hand, he clearly tries to stay up on politics, and definitely reads a decent bit, although his source material is suspect for sure.

If I had to come up with an assessment on the spot, knowing what I know, I'd say he's probably got an IQ on the low side of average. He would never be considered traditionally book smart, but he's not dumb per se, either.

I think his main problem is he's close minded, and he has difficulty accepting that he's not always be right and is definitely averse to new ideas and change - basically he's just stuck in his ways, thinks those ways are the best, and refuses to accept that we live in a constantly changing and evolving world.

If you want to get into people who aren't smart, @vantexan is a poster who definitely fits that bill. I can't even interact with him here anymore - it's like talking to a brick wall. He doesn’t comprehend what he reads, so quite often his responses make absolutely no sense, in the context of the conversation. But he is consistent, since he posts the same :censored2: over and over, regardless of the topic - lots of Hillary, lots of blind Trump worship, and that's about the gist of what you're gonna get from him.
Van and Ricky are the only people I have on ignore


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in using the ignore function on message boards, but if there were two people here that I would ignore if I did, you nailed them both.
Funny how I'm so despicable for just seeing things differently. The online equivalent of taking your ball and going home.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Funny how I'm so despicable for just seeing things differently. The online equivalent of taking your ball and going home.
Funny how you can't read very well.

I am not ignoring you. I clearly read you posts, laugh at them, and then decimate you with logic afterwards - So I'd say that's the exact opposite of taking my ball and going home.

It's more like taking my ball and firing it off the side of your face, brother.

You're not despicable per se, however you are close minded, and you let your religion dictate your feelings on politics, which is retarded. Separate religion and state, homeboy. You'd be a lot better off, and you wouldn't come off like a moralizing :censored2: quite as often.

Homophobia is so passé, my dude, and so is telling a woman what to do with her body in 2019.

Recognizing those two things would be a huge start down the road to becoming a fully evolved human being, and it would help you stop pissing people off so much by grandstanding from atop Mt. Pious...

...'yet he who is without sin cast the first stone', I believe you said in the other thread, correct?

El Correcto

god is dead
Funny how you can't read very well.

I am not ignoring you. I clearly read you posts, laugh at them, and then decimate you with logic afterwards - So I'd say that's the exact opposite of taking my ball and going home.

It's more like taking my ball and firing it off the side of your face, brother.

You're not despicable per se, however you are close minded, and you let your religion dictate your feelings on politics, which is retarded. Separate religion and state, homeboy. You'd be a lot better off, and you wouldn't come off like a moralizing :censored2: quite as often.

Homophobia is so passé, my dude, and so is telling a woman what to do with her body in 2019.

Recognizing those two things would be a huge start down the road to becoming a fully evolved human being, and it would help you stop pissing people off so much by grandstanding from atop Mt. Pious...

...'yet he who is without sin cast the first stone', I believe you said in the other thread, correct?
You need to hire an editor for your current event novels fren.


Well-Known Member
You need to hire an editor for your current event novels fren.
That post wasn't as long as my usual keyboard workouts, so I think I'm showing some improvements along those lines.

Also, I don't think there was a lot of unnecessary words there. Pretty much, just enough to get the point across that van thinks he's constantly being persecuted for his views, as opposed to being called out for using his religion and morals to condescend to others who don't share his views.

He also likes to say that we're attacking his right to say stuff, rather than attacking the content/message of what he says, which is ludicrous. He has the right to say whatever he wants - just as we have the right to criticize what he says, which is obviously where he gets a little confused by this whole free speech thingy.

El Correcto

god is dead
That post wasn't as long as my usual keyboard workouts, so I think I'm showing some improvements along those lines.

Also, I don't think there was a lot of unnecessary words there. Pretty much, just enough to get the point across that van thinks he's constantly being persecuted for his views, as opposed to being called out for using his religion and morals to condescend to others who don't share his views.

He also likes to say that we're attacking his right to say stuff, rather than attacking the content/message of what he says, which is ludicrous. He has the right to say whatever he wants - just as we have the right to criticize what he says, which is obviously where he gets a little confused by this whole free speech thingy.
We do persecute van. It’s done him a lot of good apparently. He got a job and quit leeching. Waaah my diabetus has all but disappeared from current events.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm just not a fan of brevity, brah.

Accept this.

I do not come to your house, grab you by the throat, and force you to read my posts. But you clearly do anyway - so who is that on?
I do read your posts, just not your novels. I treat them like liberal articles and skim through for buzzwords to get around all the bs.


Well-Known Member
We do persecute van. It’s done him a lot of good apparently. He got a job and quit leeching. Waaah my diabetus has all but disappeared from current events.
Dude, please do not get him thinking he's any more of a martyr than he already thinks he is.

Calling him a dumb :censored2: is not persecuting him - it's simply telling him the truth.


Well-Known Member
Bullying is good, its how you get people to quit being pathetic.
There's a lot of truth to this.

There's not one person over the age of 30 who hasn't been bullied at some point in their life, and 95% of them would probably tell you that it made them a stronger person.

The other 5% had the bullying go way too far, and they got scarred for life or some :censored2:. :censored2: them anyway. Probably deserved it.

El Correcto

god is dead
There's a lot of truth to this.

There's not one person over the age of 30 who hasn't been bullied at some point in their life, and 95% of them would probably tell you that it made them a stronger person.

The other 5% had the bullying go way too far, and they got scarred for life or some :censored2:. :censored2: them anyway. Probably deserved it.
Being scarred for life is good. It builds character.