Funny how you can't read very well.
I am not ignoring you. I clearly read you posts, laugh at them, and then decimate you with logic afterwards - So I'd say that's the exact opposite of taking my ball and going home.
It's more like taking my ball and firing it off the side of your face, brother.
You're not despicable per se, however you are close minded, and you let your religion dictate your feelings on politics, which is retarded. Separate religion and state, homeboy. You'd be a lot better off, and you wouldn't come off like a moralizing

quite as often.
Homophobia is so passé, my dude, and so is telling a woman what to do with her body in 2019.
Recognizing those two things would be a huge start down the road to becoming a fully evolved human being, and it would help you stop pissing people off so much by grandstanding from atop Mt. Pious...
...'yet he who is without sin cast the first stone', I believe you said in the other thread, correct?