President Trump


Inordinately Right
I'm not deflecting anything. I'm ...again...stating that the man was voted in over the rest of the candidates including the (pathetic) Democratic front-runner Hillary. If he's the best then the rest must suck big time.
That's just straight up not how this conversation went at all, you struggle with reality.

Carry on.
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
They are what they are. I don't distort things to fit my narratives.

If Mueller, who put in the time and manpower, says he couldn't reach a decisive conclusion on collusion, and that there were legal hurdles if an attempt was to be made at prosecuting Trump for obstruction, despite the signs that he did so, then I take him at his word.

I wish he showed more of a backbone, and took a stronger position either way, but he used legal subtleties to duck out of that responsibility, and leave us where we were beforehand - arguing about whether collusion and obstruction actually occurred.

Waste of time and money. I expected better, whether it was in support of what I believe occurred or proved I was wrong about Trump and his campaign's actions, but what we got was an expensive set of steps that lead to the top of the fence, and now we all have to sit there on it with Bob Mueller if we accept his findings. And I do. Bob Mueller had a hard and unpleasant job, and he did his best.

I still believe Trump broke the law, but it is over in my eyes. I suggest you move on as well. You guys eek'd out another small victory - but don't gloat about your President barely escaping the arms of the law, it's nothing to be proud of. In fact, it's gross.
Small correction. I leave the eeking to your side. We eke.


Well-Known Member
Again, why are you so defensive. You are going to support the rapist, period. If there was video proof, you’d still support him.

Why do you have a problem with that?
Are you calling Trump a rapist? If you are please do it in language that cannot be construed for anything else. Just say it clearly.
Be very careful.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Are you smoking meth?

Your posts read like the disjointed ramblings of a mentally challenged 4th grader on an amphetamine bender.

Let me give you some advice:
Take a few deep breaths, put down the pipe, try to compose your thoughts in a cohesive manner, and then put them down on the screen. Because whatever you're doing now isn't working for you, or anyone else for that matter.

If you're expecting anyone to read and respond with any type seriousness, that is. If you want to be ridiculed and laughed at, then by all means, carry on with your way.
A shame your astronomical IQ won't allow you to veer from the literal. Jesus spoke in parables, I guess you couldn't understand Him, either.
I enjoy @floridays style, even when I don't entirely grasp his intent. But he typically clarifies it when the mods allow his reveal.


Well-Known Member
A shame your astronomical IQ won't allow you to veer from the literal. Jesus spoke in parables, I guess you couldn't understand Him, either.
I enjoy @floridays style, even when I don't entirely grasp his intent. But he typically clarifies it when the mods allow his reveal.
The check is in the mail Sir, I thank you for typing the script correctly.
I frankly don't grasp my intent entirely as well.:lol::thumbup1:.


Well-Known Member
I'll carry on my own way, thanks for the advice though.
I have one simple question for you, MR. Boston Garden, can you post one fact, or is everything conjecture and hoping for with you?
You don't excite me, your type however, I'm very familiar with.
Post bail or wait to see the judge.

Mr. Imbecile

You clowns would be funny if you weren't dangerous.
I'm not sure where you see that I'm posting things that aren't factual. Unless you're referring to the posts that are my opinion, and in that case, I don't think posting the statistics and facts that my opinion is based on or referring to is necessary. They are out there, for anyone else who's curious what they are, to look them up or watch them for themselves - It's not responsibility to keep people up to date and informed on the discussion they're choosing to enter into or read.

Don't try to get into a war of words with me, or some kind of asinine pissing contest about who's more logical...

Because you will lose. Badly.

I can see from your posts, as everyone else can I'm sure, that you're no scholar, and if you ever were in the past, your day is long since gone, and you've fried your brain somewhere along the line. I see you claim that you have intellectual/academic bona fides, but your logic and unreadable posts suggest that's a lie, or greatly exaggerated - DeVry and the University of Phoenix are hardly stellar institutions and you participation it their esteemed academia is nothing to brag about, homie.

You post like some kind of jailhouse lawyer. Typing a bunch of little slogans, calling out perceived slights, and bogeymen, and asking nonsensical questions, all to hide the fact that there's nothing there. For all your bluster, there's no results, no payoff. You just read a couple books, talked about how you had a top flight education on the "outside", and got everyone's hopes up - just so you could get $25 worth of top ramen and coffee from the commissary.

For our purposes, here, the $25 for commissary is a few minutes of our attention, to waste our :censored2:ing time.

I'm not giving anymore attention to a jerkoff jailhouse lawyer - get your own top ramen. Nobody wants to deal with you. It's obvious.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where you see that I'm posting things that aren't factual. Unless you're referring to the posts that are my opinion, and in that case, I don't think posting the statistics and facts that my opinion is based on or referring to is necessary. They are out there, for anyone else who's curious what they are, to look them up or watch them for themselves - It's not responsibility to keep people up to date and informed on the discussion they're choosing to enter into or read.

Don't try to get into a war of words with me, or some kind of asinine pissing contest about who's more logical...

Because you will lose. Badly.

I can see from your posts, as everyone else can I'm sure, that you're no scholar, and if you ever were in the past, your day is long since gone, and you've fried your brain somewhere along the line. I see you claim that you have intellectual/academic bona fides, but your logic and unreadable posts suggest that's a lie, or greatly exaggerated - DeVry and the University of Phoenix are hardly stellar institutions and you participation it their esteemed academia is nothing to brag about, homie.

You post like some kind of jailhouse lawyer. Typing a bunch of little slogans, calling out perceived slights, and bogeymen, and asking nonsensical questions, all to hide the fact that there's nothing there. For all your bluster, there's no results, no payoff. You just read a couple books, talked about how you had a top flight education on the "outside", and got everyone's hopes up - just so you could get $25 worth of top ramen and coffee from the commissary.

For our purposes, here, the $25 for commissary is a few minutes of our attention, to waste our :censored2:ing time.

I'm not giving anymore attention to a jerkoff jailhouse lawyer - get your own top ramen. Nobody wants to deal with you. It's obvious.
You still haven't told me why Blacks aborting at such a high rate is a good thing. I guess when faced with reality rather than your assumptions you find it easier to just ignore.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where you see that I'm posting things that aren't factual. Unless you're referring to the posts that are my opinion, and in that case, I don't think posting the statistics and facts that my opinion is based on or referring to is necessary. They are out there, for anyone else who's curious what they are, to look them up or watch them for themselves - It's not responsibility to keep people up to date and informed on the discussion they're choosing to enter into or read.

Don't try to get into a war of words with me, or some kind of asinine pissing contest about who's more logical...

Because you will lose. Badly.

I can see from your posts, as everyone else can I'm sure, that you're no scholar, and if you ever were in the past, your day is long since gone, and you've fried your brain somewhere along the line. I see you claim that you have intellectual/academic bona fides, but your logic and unreadable posts suggest that's a lie, or greatly exaggerated - DeVry and the University of Phoenix are hardly stellar institutions and you participation it their esteemed academia is nothing to brag about, homie.

You post like some kind of jailhouse lawyer. Typing a bunch of little slogans, calling out perceived slights, and bogeymen, and asking nonsensical questions, all to hide the fact that there's nothing there. For all your bluster, there's no results, no payoff. You just read a couple books, talked about how you had a top flight education on the "outside", and got everyone's hopes up - just so you could get $25 worth of top ramen and coffee from the commissary.

For our purposes, here, the $25 for commissary is a few minutes of our attention, to waste our :censored2:ing time.

I'm not giving anymore attention to a jerkoff jailhouse lawyer - get your own top ramen. Nobody wants to deal with you. It's obvious.
I'm a lot smarter than you, I could have said what you did in this short sentence,
"You're bull:censored2: clown."
See how easy I took care of you blowhard?
That is humor, lotta truth there.

Now, I'll call for one of the Filipinas Van was talking about.


Well-Known Member
You still haven't told me why Blacks aborting at such a high rate is a good thing. I guess when faced with reality rather than your assumptions you find it easier to just ignore.
No @vantexan, that is not what you asked me, or what you said.

You claimed that blacks have self-inflicted a genocide upon themselves by way of abortion, and killed off 50% of their population.

I will not dignify that statement with a :censored2:ing response, you :censored2: loser. You suck at life.

You definitely don't get invited to many parties, you're not an easy hang.


Well-Known Member
No @vantexan, that is not what you asked me, or what you said.

You claimed that blacks have self-inflicted a genocide upon themselves by way of abortion, and killed off 50% of their population.

I will not dignify that statement with a :censored2:ing response, you :censored2: loser. You suck at life.

You definitely don't get invited to many parties, you're not an easy hang.
Supply your numbers then, don't wilt and resort to a personal attack on me.
We'll start with the numbers you provide and work from there.
That's the way we do it at DeVry, we let a person indict themselves with their words.

Waiting for your numbers.


Staff member
So? Perfectly normal over there. Older Filipino men marry young Filipinas all the time too.
It's not "perfectly normal". Child sex trafficking is actually against the law in the Philippines, your attempts to rationalize it notwithstanding:

Section 4. Acts of Trafficking in Persons.— It shall be unlawful for any person, natural or juridical, to commit any of the following acts:

(a) To recruit, transport, transfer; harbor, provide, or receive a person by any means, including those done under the pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or material, economic or other consideration, any person or, as provided for under Republic Act No. 6955, any Filipino woman to a foreign national, for marriage for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading him/her to engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or trading them to engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor or slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

R.A. No. 9208: Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003

Article 3


He bragged about forcing himself on women without consent.

Move on snowflake.

Him and every other rapist.

I actually love the Trumpatistas’ defenses of Dear Leader.

They forgive the orange one for so many transgressions, what will they possibly have to complain about when we have a D-Prez?

I don’t know why you feel like you have to defend a rapist. I mean you won’t ever listen to any woman who claims it so there’s no point in hearings or anything. Doesn’t matter what anyone says, you like the rapist.

This is America and you have that right.

You won’t accept proof. You never will.

But he is a rapist.

Ok. If you want to call him a colluder, I’ll not try and stop you.

Just like the Kavanaugh hearing every attempt is being made to take Trump down. Just because someone says it's so doesn't make it without proof. You would want the same presumption of innocence if it were you being accused. Trying to twist what he said on the tape makes me think you only care about the end, not the means.

And there you go. You won’t believe any testimony so it doesn’t make a difference.

Jones is right. It’s all baked in. 40% of the country will support a rapist for president. It is what it is. You are just one of millions.

Joe Biden? Or Billy Bob Clinton?

President Trump.

I mean, how hard is it to believe that a man who has always craved the gaining and exercising of power would do so to women?

And he got elected over the Democratic witch. Unbelievable.

Yes he did and no it’s not.

Donald Trump.
Ttku my guy.

Just augmenting the thread. Sprinkling a touch of truth on the spam.

I can't defend Trump because he's a total POS human being, so I deflect to other people.

That's your translation.

Mine is:
The losers that put Hillary forward as the Democratic challenger to Donald Trump are complicit in today's reality.


Get used to it for a few more years. If Biden takes Hillary's path he'll be stomped into the mud by his own record of lies, sexual misconduct, and stupidity.

THAT, drive buddy, is my translation and prediction.

Again, you don't bother defending our POS in Chief Trump, you just deflect to someone else.

Carry on.

I'm not deflecting anything. I'm ...again...stating that the man was voted in over the rest of the candidates including the (pathetic) Democratic front-runner Hillary. If he's the best then the rest must suck big time.

I'll take Trump over the last nit wit potus any day and for the record, I believe Pence is the best of the two in office.

That's my opinion and you're welcome to yours.
Carry on.

That's just straight up not how this conversation went at all, you struggle with reality.

Carry on.

Are you calling Trump a rapist? If you are please do it in language that cannot be construed for anything else. Just say it clearly.
Be very careful.
This is how this thread goes and I'm not including the rest of the fringe quotes drivel in.
It's all over the board dude.... drive on.


Inordinately Right
This is how this thread goes and I'm not including the rest of the fringe quotes drivel in.
It's all over the board dude.... drive on.
I said Trump bragged about forcing himself on women without consent.

You deflected to Clinton.

I pointed out your deflection.

You continue to deflect.

I'm not sure why you can't admit trump is a POS. It's not that complicated.


Well-Known Member
This is how this thread goes and I'm not including the rest of the fringe quotes drivel in.
It's all over the board dude.... drive on.
Thank you, I didn't read all the :poop:, I guess they are quite sure.
Time for prosecution on rape, right after collusion (conspiracy), and obstruction.
There are going to be some busy lefty defenders of the Constitution.