President Trump


My little chihuahua friend ... how ya duin?

Just trying to smash a dogbke triple Crunchwrap and a cigar man


Active Member
Started to read through this topic, and did not realize UPS was so plagued with so many wacko Trump supporters.

Got my sharpie out . Now I am ready to continue reading.



Well-Known Member
So what would you say the population of the US really is then? How shall the census count these citizens?

it needs to count everyone and then tell us how many are citizens, how many are legal residents and how many are illegal residents.

how can we ever have a comprehensive immigration solution if we dont know how many we're talking about.


Staff member
it needs to count everyone and then tell us how many are citizens, how many are legal residents and how many are illegal residents.

how can we ever have a comprehensive immigration solution if we dont know how many we're talking about.
How do fetuses factor in?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
it needs to count everyone and then tell us how many are citizens, how many are legal residents and how many are illegal residents.

how can we ever have a comprehensive immigration solution if we dont know how many we're talking about.
We already have those answers from the annual community survey. That’s not what the census is for.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Press advocates scored an important legal victory this week when a U.S. District Court judge ordered the White House to reinstate media credentials to reporter Brian Karem, whose access had been stripped away by Donald Trump’s team after a dust-up with Gorka during a Rose Garden ceremony in July. That’s the good news.

The bad news? Karem is returning to what has largely become a useless White House beat. Permanently stuck in reactive mode as they respond to Trump’s catalog of bizarre pronouncements, journalists have largely become spectators at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What’s left for the White House press corps often resembles a journalistic joke. The daily press briefings have been effectively cancelled, which means White House reporters have extremely limited access to officials who are willing to answer even the simplest questions about the administration’s policies and agenda. Meanwhile, the so-called White House sprays, where reporters are marched into a room and encouraged to shout questions at Trump, are relatively pointless. And that goes for the ritual of yelling questions at Trump while he stands near the whirling blades of a Marine One helicopter on the White House grounds as well.

In both cases, Trump simply uses reporters as props so they’ll record his avalanche of propaganda and then air that disinformation on a televised loop all day.
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Well-Known Member

Press advocates scored an important legal victory this week when a U.S. District Court judge ordered the White House to reinstate media credentials to reporter Brian Karem, whose access had been stripped away by Donald Trump’s team after a dust-up with Gorka during a Rose Garden ceremony in July. That’s the good news.

The bad news? Karem is returning to what has largely become a useless White House beat. Permanently stuck in reactive mode as they respond to Trump’s catalog of bizarre pronouncements, journalists have largely become spectators at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What’s left for the White House press corps often resembles a journalistic joke. The daily press briefings have been effectively cancelled, which means White House reporters have extremely limited access to officials who are willing to answer even the simplest questions about the administration’s policies and agenda. Meanwhile, the so-called White House sprays, where reporters are marched into a room and encouraged to shout questions at Trump, are relatively pointless. And that goes for the ritual of yelling questions at Trump while he stands near the whirling blades of a Marine One helicopter on the White House grounds as well.

In both cases, Trump simply uses reporters as props so they’ll record his avalanche of propaganda and then air that disinformation on a televised loop all day.
They have no one to blame but themselves. Asking ridiculous questions and pushing the Russian narrative. Serves them right.


Well-Known Member
Well are fetuses humans or aren’t they?
Under Roe they aren't, they are merely a "choice."
Scientifically, exactly what are these human babies?
I supplied your answer.

I can't speak for nine black robes and former and current "well meaning" individuals that bastardize the meaning of the 14th Amendment.

I do however understand exactly why the left aligns with the precise wording (in this instance) and not the reconstruction era intent.

It is clear the intent was to grant ALL SLAVES citizenship, nothing more, nothing less, and be counted as full, not 2/3 for the purposes of apportioning representation of states in the federal government.

It's not my fault nine black robes, have mangled the intent of the amendment.

If you desire to play the word for word game, I welcome it.
I'll play the precise wording game any day with anyone, Constitutionally speaking.

Bring your best, Sam and anyone else, form a line.


Staff member
Under Roe they aren't, they are merely a "choice."
Scientifically, exactly what are these human babies?
I supplied your answer.

I can't speak for nine black robes and former and current "well meaning" individuals that bastardize the meaning of the 14th Amendment.

I do however understand exactly why the left aligns with the precise wording (in this instance) and not the reconstruction era intent.

It is clear the intent was to grant ALL SLAVES citizenship, nothing more, nothing less, and be counted as full, not 2/3 for the purposes of apportioning representation of states in the federal government.

It's not my fault nine black robes, have mangled the intent of the amendment.

If you desire to play the word for word game, I welcome it.
I'll play the precise wording game any day with anyone, Constitutionally speaking.

Bring your best, Sam and anyone else, form a line.
Are fetuses protected by the constitution or aren’t they?