President Trump


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of the 2018 Texas Senate race when Robert Francis O'Rourke spent $79 Million to lose to Cruz and in the Georgia Governor race when the Republican Kemp beat the porkpie Stacey Abrams who spent $42 Million. A huge amount of both DemWit's funding came from outside of their state.

i believe beeto refused to share any of that money too to help other struggling candidates if my memory serves me


Well-Known Member
The morning Dear Leader you know, "The Chosen One" or should we refer to him as "King Ralph" informed us that China is going to be buying "large quantities" of agricultural products but as always failed to deliver any evidence or specifics to that effect. Kinda like my congressman, bragging about how the USMCA trade agreement would help dairy farmers in his district. What he goes to great lengths to avoid telling you is that under the agreement US share of the Canadian milk market will increase from the current 3.25% to a whopping 3.59% . A handful of additional tanker loads and a percentage increase that was already on the NAFTA agreement. And Canada to it's credit made it clear that while would try to help out US dairy farmers it would not allow it to become a dumping ground for US over production.


Well-Known Member
The morning Dear Leader you know, "The Chosen One" or should we refer to him as "King Ralph" informed us that China is going to be buying "large quantities" of agricultural products but as always failed to deliver any evidence or specifics to that effect. Kinda like my congressman, bragging about how the USMCA trade agreement would help dairy farmers in his district. What he goes to great lengths to avoid telling you is that under the agreement US share of the Canadian milk market will increase from the current 3.25% to a whopping 3.59% . A handful of additional tanker loads and a percentage increase that was already on the NAFTA agreement. And Canada to it's credit made it clear that while would try to help out US dairy farmers it would not allow it to become a dumping ground for US over production.
China just bought a huge soybean cargo today.


Well-Known Member
3 million bushels delivery 2020 out of a projected US 2019 soybean harvest of 14 billion bushels. Better than nothing but certainly not what you would call huge and is no indication that they will want to buy more.
Where are you getting your numbers? You need to knock off about 10 billion bushels. And that was the single biggest purchase by anyone since June.