President Trump


Inordinately Right
Every political party hates the Middle Class, ttku son....
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Inordinately Right
I'm glad you picked the honorable New York Post for your meme.:happy2:
Did you not catch the debate?
It was on national TV.

Every single Democrat raised their hand and agreed to take UPS employees' healthcare away and give it to illegal immigrants.

I hope you enjoy Trump being your president for another four years Chip.


Well-Known Member
Did you hear all the antisemitic stuff your homie Al Sharpton said about Jews?

Apparently he thinks they're white Interlopers and Jew bastards. Man, a lot of your people sure do seem to have a big ole chip on their shoulders.
I don't think you could find one of my posts supporting Sharpton. But you on the other hand , kek, are one step away from Duke.