President Trump


Nine Lives
Abney isn't the President of the United States.

No matter what Trump thinks or feels, it's likely inappropriate for him to hand out his unsecured line to *whomever*, heads of State included.

Poor judgement.

I'm not sure about anything Trump does ... I just sit here and sees what happens.
Personally, he is a breath of fresh air ... I absolutely abhor Washington and it's politics, and protocols and what's appropriate and what's not.
Inappropriate means the judgment is subjective and based on the life experiences of the one's making judgment. :censored2:'em.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about anything Trump does ... I just sit here and sees what happens.
Personally, he is a breath of fresh air ... I absolutely abhor Washington and it's politics, and protocols and what's appropriate and what's not.
Inappropriate means the judgment is subjective and based on the life experiences of the one's making judgment. :censored2:'em.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

Trump, to me, isn't the antidote to Washington.

As far as I can tell, he isn't draining the 'Swamp', he's adding 'Miracle-Gro'.

I listen to his rants, and I just think he's nuts.

It's not clear to me that he has any idea what's actually in the 'health-care plan', or the 'tax-plan'.

Where you feel a 'breath of fresh air', I see a narcissistic blowhard who imagines the entire government should bow down to him, and is surprised when it doesn't.

Leaks? He can't run his own 'House'...he's the exact same Trump of the campaign, he's the exact Trump of 'before the campaign', and while he commands loyalty, he gives it to no one.

The leaks aren't coming from the intelligence community, the leaks are coming from the WH that DT can't control...

Because he's a poor CEO.


As soon as he 'shakes up' his communication staff, that'll fix everything.


10 Pt

Yes. Nutty is nutty. Let's not pretend it exists on only one side.

Hello, have you seen my husband Bill?
He was outside the women's restrooms earlier.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about anything Trump does ... I just sit here and sees what happens.
Personally, he is a breath of fresh air ... I absolutely abhor Washington and it's politics, and protocols and what's appropriate and what's not.
Inappropriate means the judgment is subjective and based on the life experiences of the one's making judgment. :censored2:'em.


Well-Known Member
Trump Doesn't Read His Daily Intelligence Briefings; Prefers Big Pictures Instead

Almost every day at about 10:30 a.m., President Donald Trump sits with the heads of the intelligence community and a fresh Diet Coke to discuss some of the world's most highly classified information in the Oval Office. He prefers "killer graphics," like pictures, videos and charts, and often interrupts the meeting with questions and unrelated asides, according to CIA Director Mike Pompeo and National Intelligence Director Daniel Coats.

Great Leaders don't get bogged down in the details , that's what they have staff for. you give them the information at a higher level.
its called efficiency . Its how he has survived being a workaholic.


Well-Known Member
that makes no friggin sense at all. A CEO is the top executive of an organization.

Trump is the head of what branch of government?
They don't want it run like a business. Heaven help us if we actually spend money on what's needed, things are run efficiently, and if not people are held accountable.


Inordinately Right
They don't want it run like a business. Heaven help us if we actually spend money on what's needed, things are run efficiently, and if not people are held accountable.
Good point, but trump's budget would increase our debt according to the cbo, so I'm not sure it's the point you were going for.


Well-Known Member
You forget the hatred for Obama from the right?

I've probably forgotten when Obama was referred to as Khamenei's cock holster or when a prominent conservative comedian posted a picture of a bloodied decapitated Obama as humor . could you refresh our memories?