President Trump


Well-Known Member
Lock him up
Lock him up
Lock him up


Well-Known Member
No heels or skirts in my closet. Your boy is having quite a few Republicans say that they believe the withholding of Ukrainian aid was extortion and illegal. That doesn't mean that a majority will climb on the impeachment train, but it isn't a good sign for Trump.

I think it's apt you chose Kramer as an avatar because you've become a non-entity loser just like Mr. Richards in real life. You went from intelligent commentary to just being another of the troll fools that dominate Current Events.

A Libertarian is a Republican who is afraid to come out of the closet as GOP and assume their mantle of total crazy.


Well-Known Member
North Korea is not only building long range missiles, but satellite images show what appears to be a submarine base under construction. You know, Kim needs big subs to get those missiles close to major US population centers. My guess is that Vlad will either sell him one cheap or maybe even give him a couple. Yes, total victory in North Korean negotiations.

Our reputation in the world is in tatters. Nobody can trust what Trump says or does and a "deal" with the US doesn't mean anything because Trump and Co. will (and have) reneged. He's a clown and the world is laughing at us. "Elect a clown, expect a circus", just like the bumper sticker says.

The stock market is edging along, but worldwide, the European economies are slowing badly and China growth has slowed significantly. A lot of this can be laid at the feet of a president who denies we have a global economy and therefore, must support free global trade. Manufacturing is tanking under Trump, and many economic sectors (particularly farming) are suffering badly under the reign of the dumbest world leader...ever.

Eventually, our stock market will tank because Trump has torpedoed the markets for our goods and disrupted worldwide supply chains. He doesn't even understand what a supply chain is.

Thanks for your post. You obviously "get it".
3.5 percent unemployment

3 percent wage growth

Low interest rates

Low gas prices

Growing manufacturing industry

Record stock market

Lowered taxes

Enjoy your misery , I'm enjoying all the wins


Engorged Member
I agree but you know what?

Ain't nuttin gonna happen!

How many pictures are out there of Trump with various nefarious Russians and other bad guys...lots. Once again, it doesn't mater if the Bidens are guilty because the crime here is using the office of the presidency and government resources to target a political opponent.

Please remember, corruption is Version 4 of "what happened". Previous lies were that it didn't even happen, that Ukraine was being pressured to pay more NATO money, and that there was no Quid Pro Quo when there obviously was, as borne out in the texts and testimony of people like Volker.

So, now the GOP is apparently going to try a different tactic. Tucker Carlson floated the trial balloon yesterday of "Yes, Trump did something wrong, but it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment". Let's see if this is the major talking point this coming week and if the GOP senators get onboard. Obviously, FOX is already there.

So, that would be version 5 of what happened. How many more lies van we expect?


Engorged Member
We all know Republicans have no shame and won’t convict their party’s president despite clear evidence of crimes against the nation. I don’t think that’s anything you should be bragging about though.

It's OK to have a lawless rogue president, as long as he's Republican and supports the key components of the party platform. A trained monkey would be OK, but none were available at the circus, so they hired the Head Clown.