President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trump wasn't asking Zelensky for anything. Zelensky was given an ultimatum. You want weapons you get dirt on Joe Biden. Zelensky is the president of a sovereign nation. He's not one of Don Corelone Trump's lieutenants. The Biden matter will be dealt with I can assure you of that but it is a matter that is completely separate from Trump's damning phone call to Zelensky
I see you read the Shifface transcript!
This is him reading it before the House.

Adam Schiff - South Park Mr McKay.jpg


Just a turd
Trump got everyone talking about Biden's corruption. As an added bonus Bernie Sanders had a heart attack when he heard he might actually have to be president so he's out too.

Now Trump has an opponent he knows from experience that he can beat..... a whiny old white lady. 4D chess.

You're just freebasing that Trump Kool Aid now


Engorged Member
You're projecting .

No heels or skirts in my closet. Your boy is having quite a few Republicans say that they believe the withholding of Ukrainian aid was extortion and illegal. That doesn't mean that a majority will climb on the impeachment train, but it isn't a good sign for Trump.

I think it's apt you chose Kramer as an avatar because you've become a non-entity loser just like Mr. Richards in real life. You went from intelligent commentary to just being another of the troll fools that dominate Current Events.

A Libertarian is a Republican who is afraid to come out of the closet as GOP and assume their mantle of total crazy.


Engorged Member
The stock market is tanking, Korea is firing missiles, and American integrity is completely shredded.
View attachment 266672
What a knee slapper

North Korea is not only building long range missiles, but satellite images show what appears to be a submarine base under construction. You know, Kim needs big subs to get those missiles close to major US population centers. My guess is that Vlad will either sell him one cheap or maybe even give him a couple. Yes, total victory in North Korean negotiations.

Our reputation in the world is in tatters. Nobody can trust what Trump says or does and a "deal" with the US doesn't mean anything because Trump and Co. will (and have) reneged. He's a clown and the world is laughing at us. "Elect a clown, expect a circus", just like the bumper sticker says.

The stock market is edging along, but worldwide, the European economies are slowing badly and China growth has slowed significantly. A lot of this can be laid at the feet of a president who denies we have a global economy and therefore, must support free global trade. Manufacturing is tanking under Trump, and many economic sectors (particularly farming) are suffering badly under the reign of the dumbest world leader...ever.

Eventually, our stock market will tank because Trump has torpedoed the markets for our goods and disrupted worldwide supply chains. He doesn't even understand what a supply chain is.

Thanks for your post. You obviously "get it".