Inordinately Right
Yup, because Trump exposed the corruption in Quid Pro Joe's family!Biden isn't president, wasn't president, and probably won't ever be president.
Yup, because Trump exposed the corruption in Quid Pro Joe's family!Biden isn't president, wasn't president, and probably won't ever be president.
Agreed on the fact they weren't impeachment hearings, but disagree on the procedural facts. Clinton was accused of getting a BJ and having an affair, and then lying about it.
Trump's in a bit deeper. Schiff is doing his job, exactly as proscribed.
Get over it.
Yeah, sure. Proof? Hey. How do you get to be an ambassador in the Trump organization? Just donate $1M, and you're in. No prior diplomatic experience necessary. Gordon Sondland.
Trump is the swamp personified. He's made it deeper, smellier, and infested with even more disgusting creatures. Like himself.
Case in point. Yesterday, Microsoft was awarded the $10B defense contract that it had been battling Amazon over for at least the last 2 years. Today, it comes out in Mattis' book that he was directed by Trump to make sure Amazon didn't get that contract.
Nothing to see here.
The Orange Swamp King strikes again.
The process is well underway. Turn off the FAUX and get yourself up to date.
Napolitano is a Never Trumper.So if you don’t like the process, there is a party responsible for your angst.
Napolitano blames Boehner, 2015 Republicans for House rules allowing closed-door impeachment proceedings
Biden WAS the vice-president, did threaten to withhold a billion in taxpayer funds if the prosecutor investigating the company where his son had an extraordinarily lucrative deal in spite of no experience wasn't fired. Classic quid pro quo. And you aren't a criminal until proven so in court. Not a kangaroo court like Schiff is running.The Bidens are getting old. You need to return to the Clinton emails. Even IF the Bidens were dirty, and there is zero supporting evidence, Biden isn't president, wasn't president, and probably won't ever be president. Biden never extorted money for his personal benefit nor withheld military aid, nor tried to use his office to blackmail a foreign leader to do his bidding.
Trump IS the president, IS in office, and DID engage in quid pro quo to try and attack a political opponent.
In other words, he broke the law and is a criminal. Most of us sane people realize that already.
Napolitano is a Never Trumper.
fixed it for youDemocrats are crying like children, it's embarrassing.
fixed it for you
Well it's obviously a biased garbage news outlet, only a total cuckold would deny that.Talk about a snowflake, Trump is crying like a bitch that the NYT is fake news and they're being vewy vewy mean to him...
Cancel the subscriptions, that will show 'em!
What a pusillanimous.
Biden WAS the vice-president, did threaten to withhold a billion in taxpayer funds if the prosecutor investigating the company where his son had an extraordinarily lucrative deal in spite of no experience wasn't fired. Classic quid pro quo. And you aren't a criminal until proven so in court. Not a kangaroo court like Schiff is running.
I thought ISIS was already defeated?reports coming out isis leader was killed or captured by u.s forces in syria,ing trump
Napolitano is a Never Trumper.
Proof? Links to CREDIBLE sources? Not classic conspiracy talking points from Ben Shapiro or Lars Larson.
Facts, please.
When in am correct and Trump goes to prison will you guys all apologize ?
And even if that’s 100% correct, he’s right about Boehner and the republicans changing the rules and the republicans can’t stand it.he's a rejected never trumper. tried to get a trump job and got turned down for being an idiot. Hell hath no fury like an idiot scorned.
And what if he is?Napolitano is a Never Trumper.
And even if that’s 100% correct, he’s right about Boehner and the republicans changing the rules and the republicans can’t stand it.