President Trump


Staff member
Look at the LibTurds calling the kettle black! SMH
You stups don't have any room to talk about conspiracy nuts.
Y'all been bouncing from one to another 'Trump Conspiracy' for 3 friend:censored2:king years ... bunch of ignorant moerons!

View attachment 270793 View attachment 270790
Hard to call it a conspiracy theory when the president and all the president’s men have copped to it.

I gotta say though it makes a guy dizzy.

It’s “no quid pro quo” then it’s “even if it is, it’s not impeachable” and “it’s all deep state” and “more witch hunt”.

Or maybe the simplest explanation of all.

He’s guilty and he’s even admitted to it.

Hello pot and kettle.


Staff member
Why would an American vice-president want another country's prosecutor fired? Can you name another such situation in American history?
You’ve been linked to the facts of the case and choose the Fox opinion version. Nobody can refute you willful ignorance.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Can you link me to this public announcement?
The ask itself was criminal. Just because Trump is too much of a failure to successfully pull off his extortion doesn’t make it legal. There hasn’t been an explanation for why they finally released the aid, I’m guessing everyone involved in withholding it reporting it to the authorities had something to do with it.


Staff member
The ask itself was criminal. Just because Trump is too much of a failure to successfully pull off his extortion doesn’t make it legal. There hasn’t been an explanation for why they finally released the aid, I’m guessing everyone involved in withholding it reporting it to the authorities had something to do with it.
They released the aid two days after the whistleblower filed the report.

I’d say that’s explanation enough.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
In football, when a team knows it can’t win the game and goes after the opposing quarterback’s knees instead, it’s called dirty football.

In politics it’s known as the Democrat’s platform.