President Trump


Well-Known Member


golden ticket member
Open borders would be a libertarian concept. It’s not communism, you seem to be getting lost in republican propaganda again.

You wouldn’t trade healthcare for the 8ish million illegal immigrants to cover 30ish million uninsured Americans? It’s not a great deal but seems worth it to me.
People forget....some folks are uninsured because they choose to be!! Mostly youngins who think they're invincible.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Open borders would be a libertarian concept. It’s not communism, you seem to be getting lost in republican propaganda again.

You wouldn’t trade healthcare for the 8ish million illegal immigrants to cover 30ish million uninsured Americans? It’s not a great deal but seems worth it to me.
You skated over the most important part of Libertarian thought as related to open borders.
Libertarians would absolutely not support any welfare or social programs by the government.
Immigrants would only come into the USA unless there were jobs they could fill that pay for their retirement, healthcare, schooling, etc.


Well-Known Member
FACT. Why isn't this blasted over FOX or Breitbart? "TRUMP SCREWS VETS,USES MONEY TO FUND CAMPAIGN!!" Oh, yeah. He used some of the money to commission pictures of himself.

I don't know about Breitbart but it was covered extensively by fox. And strangely enough for you a CNN viewer BOTH sides of the story was covered.

You realize when you criticize Trump for his lack of military service you also criticize yourself indirectly? Not to mention a whole slew of Democrats?

Carry on


Inordinately Right
They’re idiots and their idiocy increases cost to the rest of us when they access care and can’t pay for it.
You know what else increases costs?
Insuring everyone and having the government pay for it.

Rationing is part of a functioning system. That's one of many things ignorant liberals like Warren can't understand. Fairy tale cost projections that leave out idiots going to the hospital every time they stub their toe.


Engorged Member
I don't know about Breitbart but it was covered extensively by fox. And strangely enough for you a CNN viewer BOTH sides of the story was covered.

You realize when you criticize Trump for his lack of military service you also criticize yourself indirectly? Not to mention a whole slew of Democrats?

Carry on

I did not serve, but I don't lay claim to loving the military and "owning" patriotism like Trump and the Republicans. The military is a necessary evil in the world, but it would never be for me. Too independent. I'm not much for being controlled.

Trump was a draft dodger, plain and simple, yet he acts like he is "one" with the military. My guess is that most military members find him repugnant and dishonorable.

Oh, and he just stole from the military budget to pay for his stupid wall.

Con Man.


Well-Known Member
I did not serve, but I don't lay claim to loving the military and "owning" patriotism like Trump and the Republicans. The military is a necessary evil in the world, but it would never be for me. Too independent. I'm not much for being controlled.

Trump was a draft dodger, plain and simple, yet he acts like he is "one" with the military. My guess is that most military members find him repugnant and dishonorable.

Oh, and he just stole from the military budget to pay for his stupid wall.

Con Man.
When it comes to military service Trump is a coward .