President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I am somewhere between individualist anarchism like Benjamin tucker, and anarcho-transhumanism. But I am definitely libertarian (not Libertarian)
I like Benjamin Tucker as well.
He falls into the general realm of Individualist Anarchism.

In particular I like Tucker's disapproval of government ownership because to him state control was the most complete and most obnoxious form of monopoly, stating: "The government is a tyrant living by theft, and therefore has no business to engage in any business. ...
The government has none of the characteristics of a successful business man, being wasteful, careless, clumsy, and short-sighted in the extreme".
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I like Benjamin Tucker as well.
He falls into the general realm of Individualist Anarchism.

In particular I like Tucker's disapproval of government ownership because to him state control was the most complete and most obnoxious form of monopoly, stating: "The government is a tyrant living by theft, and therefore has no business to engage in any business. ...
The government has none of the characteristics of a successful business man, being wasteful, careless, clumsy, and short-sighted in the extreme".
He was on point!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Market opens at new all-time highs for all three indexes ... DOW, S&P 500, NASDAQ!

DOW - 27,686.73
S&P 500 - 3,095.66
NASDAQ - 8,469.97

Thank you Trump!

I can't stand all this winning!

Yes I can!


It will be fine

Well-Known Member

Don Jr. thinks pretending to stop doing some business is equal to the sacrifices of the men and women buried at Arlington. How does an editor let this get to print? How do they not make a couple changes to make him seem less :censored2:y?


Engorged Member
View attachment 271080

Don Jr. thinks pretending to stop doing some business is equal to the sacrifices of the men and women buried at Arlington. How does an editor let this get to print? How do they not make a couple changes to make him seem less :censored2:y?

To the Trump's, who have never even thought of serving in the military, losing a few bucks is a supreme sacrifice. After all, the lower classes can fight those pesky wars that the aristocrats start, right?

Speaking of military service, the greatest president EVER was personally fined $2M by a court in order to reimburse charities Trump stiffed from "benefit" events, particularly veteran's organizations. Instead, Trump and family used the charity money as a slush fund for personal and political use. Another condition of the settlement was that the Trump Foundation be dissolved due to it's basic corrupt nature. That happened a while back. Where was all of the Right Wing coverage? What an outrage!! The State of New York found the entire operation to be a fraud, with all members of the family involved.

FACT. Why isn't this blasted over FOX or Breitbart? "TRUMP SCREWS VETS,USES MONEY TO FUND CAMPAIGN!!" Oh, yeah. He used some of the money to commission pictures of himself.

He loves the veterans, but takes their money like a common criminal. Actually, he's an uncommon criminal, but that's too much for this forum to handle.

YOU PEOPLE are such freaking idiots. You still worship this lying POS like he's a god.


Inordinately Right
To the Trump's, who have never even thought of serving in the military, losing a few bucks is a supreme sacrifice. After all, the lower classes can fight those pesky wars that the aristocrats start, right?

Speaking of military service, the greatest president EVER was personally fined $2M by a court in order to reimburse charities Trump stiffed from "benefit" events, particularly veteran's organizations. Instead, Trump and family used the charity money as a slush fund for personal and political use. Another condition of the settlement was that the Trump Foundation be dissolved due to it's basic corrupt nature. That happened a while back. Where was all of the Right Wing coverage? What an outrage!! The State of New York found the entire operation to be a fraud, with all members of the family involved.

FACT. Why isn't this blasted over FOX or Breitbart? "TRUMP SCREWS VETS,USES MONEY TO FUND CAMPAIGN!!" Oh, yeah. He used some of the money to commission pictures of himself.

He loves the veterans, but takes their money like a common criminal. Actually, he's an uncommon criminal, but that's too much for this forum to handle.

YOU PEOPLE are such freaking idiots. You still worship this lying POS like he's a god.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
YOU PEOPLE are such freaking idiots. You still worship this lying POS like he's a god.

Which Democratic candidate who raised their hand in support of free healthcare for illegal immigrants and is for open borders are those of us who don’t like Trump but are to the right of Chairman Mao supposed to vote for?

None of Trump’s faults you mentioned really matter unless the Democrats can present a good candidate to run against him.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Which Democratic candidate who raised their hand in support of free healthcare for illegal immigrants and is for open borders are those of us who don’t like Trump but are to the right of Chairman Mao supposed to vote for?

None of Trump’s faults you mentioned really matter unless the Democrats can present a good candidate to run against him.
Open borders would be a libertarian concept. It’s not communism, you seem to be getting lost in republican propaganda again.

You wouldn’t trade healthcare for the 8ish million illegal immigrants to cover 30ish million uninsured Americans? It’s not a great deal but seems worth it to me.