President Trump


Victory Ride


Engorged Member
everyone wants to play for a winning team

Right. Trump has just made the world far more dangerous, especially for Americans living abroad and for our allies. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION. You'll only care when your gas prices skyrocket, but perhaps you and your ilk need to broaden your horizons a bit. Yes, 2 bad guys who deserve to die got killed. Hooray!! Except, consider the wider picture of possible consequences, none of them good.

This will not bring Iran to the bargaining table and it won't stop their terrorism or sponsorship of it. They specialize in the kind of attacks that we can't really defend against. The missile attacks on Saudi Arabia demonstrated that, and if they'd wanted to take out 75% of their capacity, it could have been done. They shot missiles through the same hole was a demonstration of capabilities.

This also has implications for Israel and threatens to provoke a much wider conflict. Most experts agree that the Trump administration has no coherent overall Middle East Plan, which indicates Trump "shot from the hip" again.

I'm glad those 2 are dead,but there would be less public ways of doing it that didn't directly implicate the US. Israel is much better at this. With many of their attacks, it's clear they did it, but they almost always have plausible deniability built in.

Because most of you here don't think beyond the immediate, keep on celebrating. Within a few months, a lot of innocent people are going to die, and the world will be in even more turmoil.

Wasn't Trump the one who said he wants our military out of the Middle East? He just ensured a much increased presence in the region.

Keep on partying, and maybe you'll get your war with Iran.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This will not bring Iran to the bargaining table and it won't stop their terrorism or sponsorship of it. They specialize in the kind of attacks that we can't really defend against. The missile attacks on Saudi Arabia demonstrated that, and if they'd wanted to take out 75% of their capacity, it could have been done. They shot missiles through the same hole was a demonstration of capabilities.

Iran's mobile and stationary missile launchers will be vaporized if they ramp up missile attacks. You can bet every site is already marked.

This also has implications for Israel and threatens to provoke a much wider conflict.

Iran's top leadership will be killed within weeks if this becomes a huge conflict and they know it.

I'm glad those 2 are dead,but there would be less public ways of doing it that didn't directly implicate the US. Israel is much better at this. With many of their attacks, it's clear they did it, but they almost always have plausible deniability built in.

Don't think we need to hide from our assassinations. Iran was probing the limits of what the US under Trump would tolerate between the missile and embassy attacks and they found it.


Well-Known Member
Cyber attacks, random killings, etc. will be the response.

Iran will retaliate, but they know they can’t withstand the brutality and overwhelming force of our military.

Killing that bro was a tactic, what’s the strategy?


Engorged Member
We did, for eight years, but Barack Hussein Obama is out of office now, time to move on fren.

Great deflection from impeachment, eh? Oh, yeah. Good luck targeting all of the suicide bombers, RPG's and other means of "getting even". As most analysts have stated, the risks of this attack probably far outweigh the benefits.

We'll have to see what the body count is when they retaliate, and they will. Maybe it will be Israel, maybe the UK, or maybe a US company operating in the Middle East. Who knows?

Or, they'll ramp up their nuclear program. BTW, all was well, and Iran was abiding by the terms of the nuclear treaty until King Orange decided to pick a fight.

Trump's Middle East strategy is made up as he goes.

Really good "plan", fren.


Well-Known Member
About 40% love him. The rest of us don't. "We The People" are the Red State loyalists, so your love isn't shared a whole lot.

thats about three times the general public that loves congress. you realize trumps polls have gone up during the impeachment process? keep up the good work