President Trump


Well-Known Member
His most hardcore supporters immortalize the God Emperor in meme and wish for a 1,000 year reign. So do those on the left for their crazies.

Im doing fine, personally. That’s why I wish TDSers would calm the :censored2: down.
In other words...Nazis. Enthusiasm for concrete results isn't the same as wanting to make everyone goose step or get shot. In China right now they're using social credits to keep people in line. Not a big leap to see Leftists doing that here. They've already made it clear that free speech is speech they deem acceptable.


Staff member
His most hardcore supporters immortalize the God Emperor in meme and wish for a 1,000 year reign. So do those on the left for their crazies.

Im doing fine, personally. That’s why I wish TDSers would calm the :censored2: down.
Yes but you’re wrong. :)
You let these ridiculous lies go, day in and day out. You shrug your shoulders when van and DIDO repeat them ad infinitum when they aren’t , “Well, Obama...”
Facts no longer matter because you side with those who give the lies a pass because, well, you’re doing fine.
It won’t last forever. It never does. But next time there is no trick left in the Federal Reserve’s bag. Then the SHTF.


Staff member
In other words...Nazis. Enthusiasm for concrete results isn't the same as wanting to make everyone goose step or get shot. In China right now they're using social credits to keep people in line. Not a big leap to see Leftists doing that here. They've already made it clear that free speech is speech they deem acceptable.
Free speech is not acceptable to you?


Well-Known Member
Yes but you’re wrong. :)
You let these ridiculous lies go, day in and day out. You shrug your shoulders when van and DIDO repeat them ad infinitum when they aren’t , “Well, Obama...”
Facts no longer matter because you side with those who give the lies a pass because, well, you’re doing fine.
It won’t last forever. It never does. But next time there is no trick left in the Federal Reserve’s bag. Then the SHTF.
OK, what lies are we repeating about Obama?


Inordinately Right
Yes but you’re wrong. :)
You let these ridiculous lies go, day in and day out. You shrug your shoulders when van and DIDO repeat them ad infinitum when they aren’t , “Well, Obama...”
Facts no longer matter because you side with those who give the lies a pass because, well, you’re doing fine.
It won’t last forever. It never does. But next time there is no trick left in the Federal Reserve’s bag. Then the SHTF.
You said the rules have been rewritten to allow presidents to "wield power" like an emporer.

Again, how do you believe Trump is "wielding power" differently than previous presidents?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
No. It probably doesn’t. I wonder what a socialist emperor wannabe with a hostage congress will do in the future. Almost seems inevitable now.
Trump is kept in check and I'm sure Sander's would find the same situation.
That's the nice thing about our Constitution which I know Liberals hate.


Staff member
Trump is kept in check and I'm sure Sander's would find the same situation.
That's the nice thing about our Constitution which I know Liberals hate.
Oh I’m not thinking Sanders. I’m not even thinking soon necessarily. But this president and the Senate has set precedent so vast that I don’t know how republicans could even think about oversight since nothing seems outside of presidential power. Funny thing is, they insist that even if he did the things the democrats say, it’s all still ok.
So when a democratic president brazenly does whatever he wants, I guess we can expect the same response.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Oh I’m not thinking Sanders. I’m not even thinking soon necessarily. But this president and the Senate has set precedent so vast that I don’t know how republicans could even think about oversight since nothing seems outside of presidential power. Funny thing is, they insist that even if he did the things the democrats say, it’s all still ok.
So when a democratic president brazenly does whatever he wants, I guess we can expect the same response.
Geez ... Obama was just as bad, if not worse!
Get a grip, Man!


Inordinately Right
But this president and the Senate has set precedent so vast that I don’t know how republicans could even think about oversight since nothing seems outside of presidential power.
Yet you can't give any examples of this new precedent of vast presidential power.

You know why?
Because you're full of it.

The sky is falling!!!!


Inordinately Right
Trump gave 500k tax dollars to a group called Hookers for Jesus. I’m sure evangelicals will be outraged.
"Hookers for Jesus is a Christian organization founded by former sex worker and sex trafficking victim Annie Lobert in 2007. The organization operates Destiny House, a one-year safehouse program for sex-trafficking victims and women who want to leave sex work, as well as a number of other outreach programs."

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
No silly. Officials deciding that they have power they don’t have. And when nobody resists that power grab, they move on to the next power grab.

I think you need to have your TDS checked out. Not everything is about Trump.
Impeachment is a pretty strong resistance to a power grab!