President Trump


Well-Known Member
He is concerned with secured borders.
Luckily you open borders demwits aren't in charge there would be thousands dead.

He’s concerned with getting re-elected.

Honestly, his handlers should make him stfu about anything coronavirus related, he’s just making stuff up that knowledgeable people have to keep correcting.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Right. At the CDC press conference yesterday, Trump's main concern seemed to be preventing the San Francisco cruise victims from being credited to his Coronavirus count. That, and getting "good ratings".

The KAGA hat was especially appropriate at a serious event.

Complete and utter idiot. All yours, fren.

how its counted is always a facet of politics. Meanwhile the dems will try to count every infected american living in a foreign country


Well-Known Member
You must be talking about Biden.
He told a crowd today in Missouri ( even trying to read off a teleprompter ) to re-elect Trump.
He will progressively get more and more pitiful, if he even makes it till November.

biden is diminishing mentally to a point i now feel sorry for him


Well-Known Member
He’s concerned with getting re-elected.

Honestly, his handlers should make him stfu about anything coronavirus related, he’s just making stuff up that knowledgeable people have to keep correcting.


the knowledgable people standing on the stage with him? You guys keep trying to pretend you dont see all the disease experts on the stage with him when he speaks. some of the most prominent epidemiologist in the country and the CDC are in lock step with the trump people and have been in front of this issue from early on.


Well-Known Member
the knowledgable people standing on the stage with him? You guys keep trying to pretend you dont see all the disease experts on the stage with him when he speaks. some of the most prominent epidemiologist in the country and the CDC are in lock step with the trump people and have been in front of this issue from early on.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
10 to 1: Stacey Abrams

My first reaction: Biden already has the black vote locked up.

Second reaction: That would take care of some intersectional checkboxes the hard leftists would otherwise whine about. Probably not a bad choice.

Will look into the platform she was running on in Georgia.


Well-Known Member
My first reaction: Biden already has the black vote locked up.

Second reaction: That would take care of some intersectional checkboxes the hard leftists would otherwise whine about. Probably not a bad choice.

Will look into the platform she was running on in Georgia.

Biden has the older black vote sort of locked up, but there are plenty of young black voters in Sanders’ camp.

Sanders is killing it with the ‘Latino’ voters, but the next group of states to vote favor Biden.

Will Sanders bow out if Biden continues to crush it?

Will the ‘Bernie Bros’ stay home if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination?

Stay tuned for the next episode of ‘Days Of Our Lives’.

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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Will Sanders bow out if Biden continues to crush it?

Think he said he would if Biden gets a majority of the pledged delegates. Project 538 says there an 89% chance he will.

Will the ‘Bernie Bros’ stay home if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination?

Hope not. Been watching r/politics on Reddit a little bit and there are some voices of sanity pointing out that revenge on the Democrats is not worth 4 more years of Trump. This'll probably be a key vulnerability the Russians will try to exploit. Send a couple folks in there to argue that it would be a good idea to sit it out. Cheap and effective.


Well-Known Member
Think he said he would if Biden gets a majority of the pledged delegates. Project 538 says there an 89% chance he will.

Hope not. Been watching r/politics on Reddit a little bit and there are some voices of sanity pointing out that revenge on the Democrats is not worth 4 more years of Trump. This'll probably be a key vulnerability the Russians will try to exploit. Send a couple folks in there to argue that it would be a good idea to sit it out. Cheap and effective.

Remember, Russia isn’t interfering in our elections, the coronavirus is contained, the vaccine is two months away, go shopping.


Well-Known Member

See thats the type of typical response I expect from you. You're running around here with your hair on fire spreading misinformation and adding to undue hysteria about a subject that everyone should be concerned about but not panic over.

meanwhile there is so much information available everyday from world reknown epidemiologists that are working for our country and communicating it to the public everyday . there is a ton of information from reputable sources on the internet. the world reknown CDC is working for us and communicating everyday.
the nonsense you drama queens are spreading here does not do anyone any good.