President Trump


Well-Known Member
He completely slayed the fake news garbage and all those liberal reporters lost their :censored2:. That press conference was pure gold.

I havent watched the news in 18 years and ironically, I havent missed any vital information either. Even when I stumble upon clips n youtube I make sure my ad blocker is on so they get absolutely no ad money from this guy.


Well-Known Member
He completely slayed the fake news garbage and all those liberal reporters lost their :censored2:. That press conference was pure gold.

Meth isn’t good for your brain fren.

So what did Trump do in February to prepare the US for this burgeoning pandemic?

Don’t bring up Jina or the that point it was clear that the WHO was incorrect and Jina was lying.

So what did Trump do in February?

Trick question, the answer is nothing.

He lost his mind because he couldn’t answer the question.

Sad really.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!

The thread is "President tRump" and you keep trying to deflect the attention to Biden. Ever ask yourself why you have to keep doing this?

The entire idea that people get rich by writing losses off on their taxes is stupidity in the first place.

The rich (like TRump and his son-in-law with Nepotism Barbie) buy a property. They then take all the deprecation at once (first year) for a massive loss on paper instead of extending it out over years where it "may" actually decrease. Now any profits they make from rent, leases or a sale of that property or any property for that matter amounts to 0 tax liability!!!! Worse, they can claim this loss for years to offset any profits they make!!! When the "loss" is offset they then refinance the property, can't they do this all over again?

This is what real estate investors did for years to get richer until the law was changed. Now it is back because the corona virus bail out snuck this in inside an almost 1000 page bill to benefit those like tRump.

Now that you are informed the question that begs to be asked is: Why has tRump fought so hard to hide his tax returns and lied about wanting to release them but can't because they are under audit?



Inordinately Right
So what did Trump do in February to prepare the US for this burgeoning pandemic?

So what did Trump do in February?
The genome was made public, we developed a test in record time, and within weeks the CDC had made 160k of them.

Do you think Trump snuck into the CDC and peed in the test vials? Or do you think we should be having a conversation about why anti private industry regulations screwed us over when those tests eventually came back inaccurate?

You don't actually care about any of this, you're just playing politics because you have TDS.


Well-Known Member
Meth isn’t good for your brain fren.

So what did Trump do in February to prepare the US for this burgeoning pandemic?

Don’t bring up Jina or the that point it was clear that the WHO was incorrect and Jina was lying.

So what did Trump do in February?

Trick question, the answer is nothing.

He lost his mind because he couldn’t answer the question.

Sad really.
Brah, didn't you watch his video ? He explains it all right there !


Well-Known Member
The genome was made public, we developed a test in record time, and within weeks the CDC had made 160k of them.

Do you think Trump snuck into the CDC and peed in the test vials? Or do you think we should be having a conversation about why anti private industry regulations screwed us over when those tests eventually came back inaccurate?

You don't actually care about any of this, you're just playing politics because you have TDS.



Well-Known Member
You feel stupid now.
Go to bed Doris.

Everything you said was a generous application of Trump-gel, to sooth fanatics with the calming balm of WRONG.

It's ok Brenda, the WHO screwed up, and Jina lied, but that doesn't get Trump off the hook for doing NOTHING for six weeks.

What did Trump do in February?

My guess is you have about as much of an answer as Trump did.

He just hated it that a woman was trying to hold him accountable.

I'm so interested in all you clowns and what you'll say when there's a D Prez...

LMAO, you haven't thought this through.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King