President Trump


Well-Known Member
I never thought Id see the day that americans(sic) cheer on communism over their own nation. I do find relief though in knowing that if communism every does happen to come to America, they would be the first to suffer and die under it. American patriots are survivalists; hunters, farmers etc. Commies are moochers and cant survive without hand-me-outs that they call "community welfare"... beggars begging beggars for things neither of them have lol


Well-Known Member
I never thought Id see the day that americans(sic) cheer on communism over their own nation. I do find relief though in knowing that if communism every does happen to come to America, they would be the first to suffer and die under it. American patriots are survivalists; hunters, farmers etc. Commies are moochers and cant survive without hand-me-outs that they call "community welfare"... beggars begging beggars for things neither of them have lol
A lot of them are or were college students who've been convinced by socialist advocating professors that capitalism is unfair and that they lack a future with it. We're seeing the result of serious efforts to indoctrinate young adults who are the future. They'll have to learn the hard way and take the rest of us with them into misery.


Well-Known Member
The stadium would have been full if your side hadn't played games with the tickets. I'm sure the next rally they'll sell tickets at the door instead of in advance.
You need to get up to date on the latest gop talking points. donald's campaign manager said there was no ticket controversy.


nowhere special
But only 6200 people in Tulsa were moved to attend.
Over 6000 more than Biden could draw.

... if he left his storm shelter



Well-Known Member
A lot of them are or were college students who've been convinced by socialist advocating professors that capitalism is unfair and that they lack a future with it. We're seeing the result of serious efforts to indoctrinate young adults who are the future. They'll have to learn the hard way and take the rest of us with them into misery.

There were reports of University Professors literally being paid off (hundreds of thousands of USD) by Chinese lobbyists to push communistic agendas. Capitalism, in the name of Communism? Anyways, youre right, and then the kids think that because their "Professor" suggests that something is an intellectual position to take, that it MUST be the intellectual position to take. Never realizing that the reason their professor pushed it in the first place is because they were either paid to, or threatened to.

Time is the great Truth Teller though. Sad that many of them will die at the hands of their own ignorance before they ever know it though

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The stadium would have been full if your side hadn't played games with the tickets. I'm sure the next rally they'll sell tickets at the door instead of in advance.
Lol. The fact that a bunch of Kpop stans reserved tickets made no difference in the lack of attendance. Trump’s show is worn out, no one is risking getting the virus to hear a 20 minute riff about a ramp.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
There were reports of University Professors literally being paid off (hundreds of thousands of USD) by Chinese lobbyists to push communistic agendas. Capitalism, in the name of Communism? Anyways, youre right, and then the kids think that because their "Professor" suggests that something is an intellectual position to take, that it MUST be the intellectual position to take. Never realizing that the reason their professor pushed it in the first place is because they were either paid to, or threatened to.

Time is the great Truth Teller though. Sad that many of them will die at the hands of their own ignorance before they ever know it though

I love when people that clearly never attended college speak about their imagined indoctrination by professors.


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