President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I attended. How about you?
You know it, got my degree and everything. When knuckle draggers cry about how much influence professors have on students it’s laughable. People that get educations become more liberal because they leave their :censored2:hole small towns and experience diversity. That’s it, no conspiratorial nonsense needed.


Well-Known Member
Teenagers reserving tickets had nothing to do with the low attendance. This isn’t complicated, everyone that wanted to go to the klan rally was able to. There just wasn’t much interest.
Or they were afraid of contracting the virus. How would you compare the turnout with the numbers turning out to see Biden?


Well-Known Member
You know it, got my degree and everything. When knuckle draggers cry about how much influence professors have on students it’s laughable. People that get educations become more liberal because they leave their :censored2:hole small towns and experience diversity. That’s it, no conspiratorial nonsense needed.
You've made it very clear how you feel about small towns. But looking at polls of young adults in recent years they are much more in favor of socialism than they used to be. That didn't come from small town America. Where else are they going to hear it? And over and over across the country in recent years conservative speakers on college campuses have been protested against and in numerous cases universities cancelled their appearances out of fear for their safety. Not seeing that with liberal speakers. You can deny all you want but then just a few weeks ago you were saying there was no movement anywhere to defund the police. About all we hear now.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
You know it, got my degree and everything. When knuckle draggers cry about how much influence professors have on students it’s laughable. People that get educations become more liberal because they leave their :censored2:hole small towns and experience diversity. That’s it, no conspiratorial nonsense needed.
Professors tell students to make their own minds up? That's some nice spin there Russian bot


Well-Known Member
Biden dodged the draft too buddy. Really terrible politics that you jokers picked that loser.

But honestly, if Trump even had gone to Vietnam, the alternative slanders would be, "AND YOU WENT AND KILLED INNOCENT VIETNAMESE IN VIETNAM!!!!!!!"... theres no point in debating these people. They are beyond hope and reach lol. It is entertaining to watch them fume though