I think this new wave of commies wont be happy until every American city looks like their Pillar Of Success: Chicago. And when they're getting shot at every day and their kids are getting killed by crossfire, only then will they MAYBE understand that they got exactly what it was they were fighting for. And even then they will still blame whitey.
These people are the reason that I myself (as well as apparently the majority of other white Americans) didnt want to have children. I would never leave kids behind in a world this stupid. And for the first time in American history, white people under the age of 16 are now a minority. I saw this coming from a million miles away when I was in my early 20's and just said, "ah well. Time for me and my bloodline to head back to the cosmos and leave America to, Those That Matter." *shrug* I still think the elites will eventually kill them off with robots but, thats just conspiracy theory at this point. I mean, what use would they have for a never ending rebellion race when robots can build everything they need including other robots? I see them going to Mars, cutting the robots loose, and returning after "the job is done"...