President Trump


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


All Trash No Trailer
Trump got convicted by a bunch of Democrats in ultra liberal NYC. Trial presided over by a judge who should have recused himself, was installed just for this trial rather than one of the 24 judges in the pool who should've been picked from, and who committed so many reversible errors that 100% it will be overturned on appeal.
Where is your faux outrage over Trump appointed judge canon who certainly should have recused herself and just stopped the document trial in its tracks?
Oh yeah its only corruption when Trump loses or is found guilty


Well-Known Member
Where is your faux outrage over Trump appointed judge canon who certainly should have recused herself and just stopped the document trial in its tracks?
Oh yeah its only corruption when Trump loses or is found guilty
She wasn't maneuvered into the trial like Marchon was.


Strength through joy
34 separate incidents can now be classified as a major crime, who would have thought ?
Another good reason to avoid New York.

How many incidents made during this trial will the appellate court cite as wrong and void the conviction ?


Well-Known Member
Was America ever really that great to begin with?

Can’t really make something again what it never was in the first place, can you?
Hundreds of thousands died ending slavery. Hundreds of thousands died tipping the balance in the Allies favor in WWII to stop the Nazis. Along the way the U.S. was responsible for innovations that have made life both easier and longer. It isn't perfect, but that's what we strive for. As opposed to simpletons who think they are so above it all that they can cast aspersions.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Was America ever really that great to begin with?

Can’t really make something again what it never was in the first place, can you?
Your thinking is a major part of what is wrong with America. No pride, no appreciation, no honor for the sacrifice made to give you what you think you deserve. The silver platter put in front of you was easily made.The greatness has been taken for granted by you and others for so long, you don't even recognize it.
Don't worry, if the regime gets back in this year, you like all other slow learners, will remember how great America was.