President Trump


Inordinately Right
Was America ever really that great to begin with?

Can’t really make something again what it never was in the first place, can you?
I remember when Michael Obama said she had never been proud of her country, and Democrats pretended she misspoke and didn't mean it.

It's sad that your political party has become so extremist, but I do appreciate you being honest about your hatred of America.


Binge Poster
I remember when Michael Obama said she had never been proud of her country, and Democrats pretended she misspoke and didn't mean it.

It's sad that your political party has become so extremist, but I do appreciate you being honest about your hatred of America.
I am affiliated with no political party.

I do not hate America or any country.


Binge Poster
Hundreds of thousands died ending slavery. Hundreds of thousands died tipping the balance in the Allies favor in WWII to stop the Nazis. Along the way the U.S. was responsible for innovations that have made life both easier and longer. It isn't perfect, but that's what we strive for. As opposed to simpletons who think they are so above it all that they can cast aspersions.
What is so great about this?


Binge Poster
Your thinking is a major part of what is wrong with America. No pride, no appreciation, no honor for the sacrifice made to give you what you think you deserve. The silver platter put in front of you was easily made.The greatness has been taken for granted by you and others for so long, you don't even recognize it.
Don't worry, if the regime gets back in this year, you like all other slow learners, will remember how great America was.
I don’t see it that way.


Well-Known Member
Oh for the love of God. Trump tried to have Jeff Sessions literally lock up Hillary Clinton without due process. Trump was tried by a jury of his peers and will have a chance at appeal. Stop whining.
Really? It was Obama's DOJ/FBI that gave a long look at Hillary. When did Jeff Sessions do anything towards her?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

Trump is guilty. It won't matter at all this election.​

While this is going to make for some salacious headlines and nonstop cable news fodder, don’t count on it impacting the 2024 presidential election. Those who hated Trump are now only going to have more reason to despise him. Those who love him will see this as a reason to rally around him more. The reality is most Americans don't care about Trump's courtroom drama. They care about how government policies are impacting their daily lives. Expect them to vote on that come November ‒ not the results of this trial in New York.

👇🏼 Click for Link to story


Well-Known Member
What is so great about this?
You don't think stopping slavery or the Nazis at great cost was great? You don't think the modern medicines, transportation, communications and so much more that came out of the U.S. was great? What about women's suffrage? Guess we have to get to abortion on demand and gays getting married to find something you like.