President Trump


Well-Known Member
Trump is thanking Putin for cutting the American diplomatic staff.

Who imagined 40 years ago that it would be the Russians who would start draining our swamp.

This has to be killing the neo con and neo lib (do I repeat myself) red scare hawks.


Staff member

What's next? "Trump has 100% approval from those who say they love Trump!"


Well-Known Member
Trump is thanking Putin for cutting the American diplomatic staff.

Who imagined 40 years ago that it would be the Russians who would start draining our swamp.

This has to be killing the neo con and neo lib (do I repeat myself) red scare hawks.
tRUmp has never criticized anything Putin has done.

I heard Ike thanked them for shooting down that expensive to operate U2.

Also, if you think expelling State Dept people from Russia is 'draining the swamp' you are sorely mistaken.


Well-Known Member
I think it was her "fire and fury" that scared a lot of people off in the first place. Even on her side of the political isle.


Well-Known Member
Republican: We need a return to the Constitution.

By Stander: With a republican President, maybe you can get him to do that.

Republican: On further thought, just pretend I never said such a crazy thing.


Well-Known Member
liberals are the best body shamers. so you say the government should do nothing about the Opioid problem?

What is the source of the opioids?

Maybe the deeper question we should be asking is with alcohol, various illegal drugs and prescription meds, if this is the greatest country on the planet, why the massive need across the population of said greatest country to medicate itself out of reality?



Well-Known Member
What is the source of the opioids?

Maybe the deeper question we should be asking is with alcohol, various illegal drugs and prescription meds, if this is the greatest country on the planet, why the massive need across the population of said greatest country to medicate itself out of reality?


you're taking me around the barn. do you think the government should ignore the opioid problem?