President Trump


Retired 23 years
Republicans try to label each other as RINOS, then when anyone asks what an actual republican is, it's "desperation to pin labels on everyone" lol. Trump is not an outsider. He is not a champion of the common man. He is an opportunist like every other politician.

The number of kool aid drinkers around here is approaching obama levels at this point.

I think Obama will hold that record for many years. Just look at all the sheep who assumed they wouldn't have to pay for anything from then on when he got elected.


PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Term limits. Another failed promise of Trump's.
I do not believe Trump promised term limits. We would need the swamp Monsters to vote for it. The best option is a convention of states. Our founding fathers did not envision life long blood suckers rather to have common people serving doing their duty for a period and returning home.


Inordinately Right
I do not believe Trump promised term limits. We would need the swamp Monsters to vote for it. The best option is a convention of states. Our founding fathers did not envision life long blood suckers rather to have common people serving doing their duty for a period and returning home.
He didn't just propose it, he promised he would impose them in his first 100 days.

And no, the founding fathers did not envision common people holding office. They instituted the electoral college to keep common people from making decisions and directly electing politicians, which is ironic.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Maybe Trump really will build something great and one day it will be a tourist attraction too.....

Seems like a really round about way to boost the economy, but maybe he's just thinking long term :euro:.


Well-Known Member
Most of this is the continuation of the economic trends since the recession. Many of these are outright lies or misrepresentations of reality. I mean your #26 is absolute drivel.

All of Trump's "accomplishments" have been through executive order, and I think he's showing how long lasting changes made through executive order are. With control of both houses he should be killing it on legislation, but he seems to be going the other way on garnering legislative support for his agenda.

I'm having a hard time finding 5 that could be argued are a continuation. could you help me identify the most that you claim.


Well-Known Member
Line by line would take too long. The broad economic claims are pretty ridiculous to attribute to Trump. The trend lines are just continuing from the Obama years, when the economy was allegedly awful according to R's.
It's a bizarre claim republicans are trying to make right now. They claim the gains in the stock market as an accomplishment. So business is booming, unemployment is low, but for some reason we need to cut their taxes so the economy can grow?

Maybe you can answer the question I've been asking, since everyone in congress is a RINO. What the heck is a republican?

that's a dodge . list the most you claim are a credit to obama


Well-Known Member
The economic recovery since the 2007-2009 recession is now in its eighth year and showing little signs of fatigue. The economy is being powered by a tightening labor market, which has largely maintained a strong performance that started during former President Barack Obama's first term.


I have lost count of how many "Help Wanted" signs I see throughout the day. I think that both companies will have a very hard hiring seasonals this year.


Staff member
I think Obama will hold that record for many years. Just look at all the sheep who assumed they wouldn't have to pay for anything from then on when he got elected.

That's nothing compared to the dances American CEOs will do if congress passes tax cuts.


Staff member
Yup, Clinton colluded with Russia, held on to everything they got until after the election, had the Russians hack and release their campaign emails during the election so they could lose in spectacular fashion. It's so clear, pay no attention to Trump officials getting perp walked on Monday.
Geez. When you put it that way...