President Trump


Well-Known Member
How does Podesta or Debbie not notice 9-12 million $$$$ being spent????????????
These people could've been managing taxpayer money (God forbid)
Same group of people who managed us to 20 trillion in debt. They probably find 9-12 million under their couch cushions.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
that's silly. Fox news didn't create this . the Clinton cash charges have always been out there. the difference is congress is now investigating fusion who revealed the financing behind this crazy debunked Trump dossier last week. That financing came from the Clinton and DNC orgs in the amount of 12 million dollars. too high an amount to be a lower level financing. you really need to put down the DNC talking points down and educate yourself.
The dossier wasn't used by the Clinton campaign, it came out well after the election. It's hard to argue that it had any effect on the election.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
But it was being passed around in the media circles for months before someone finally published it .
After the election. Fox is trying very hard to make this a thing. So republicans hired fusion for OPO on Trump, he wins the primary, Fusion looks for funding from Dems, Dems continue funding fusion. Then Fox tries to link that as a direct connection between Hillary and the Kremlin. It's crazy talk. The Dems paid an outside firm for OPO, they didn't direct how that info was obtained or how fusion used the money they were paid. Fusion probably didn't even direct how Steele got his information, they paid him for his results.


Well-Known Member
After the election. Fox is trying very hard to make this a thing. So republicans hired fusion for OPO on Trump, he wins the primary, Fusion looks for funding from Dems, Dems continue funding fusion. Then Fox tries to link that as a direct connection between Hillary and the Kremlin. It's crazy talk. The Dems paid an outside firm for OPO, they didn't direct how that info was obtained or how fusion used the money they were paid. Fusion probably didn't even direct how Steele got his information, they paid him for his results.
Except the dossier was cited as a reason to unmask members of the Trump campaign. And why is the DNC so forgetful about who gave the money, millions, to Fusion? And fact is that dossier was used to try to hurt Trump. While we're at it why did the DNC refuse to turn over it's servers after claiming the Russians hacked them? What are they hiding?


Staff member
It's very simple.

Even if every smear about the Clintons is 100% true (I highly doubt it) none of it gets Trump off the hook that he's on now.


Staff member
The president should really stop having these sessions where he goes around the room having people say nice things about him.


Nine Lives
How does Podesta or Debbie not notice 9-12 million $$$$ being spent????????????
These people could've been managing taxpayer money (God forbid)
Who believes these liars?
Of course they knew.
The lawyer who was paying this money was sitting next to them during hearings.


Staff member
Maybe even more than compensates with their viewership compared to NBC & MSNBC.
Only a few stupid cuckservatives listen to NBC & MSNBC.

Looks like Harley had it right ... can't fix stupid.
Maybe a smart guy like you can answer this.

Trump is president. He's head of the executive branch. If there was something crooked with the Uranium One deal, why doesn't he just release the documents proving it? If it's a corrupt deal, why doesn't he overturn it? (Might make Putin angry though.)