President Trump


Well-Known Member
If I were Trump and truly innocent, I'd sit back and be like "Have at it, boys. Can't wait to be exonerated and make you look like fools."

nice thought but an investigation and the left wing lackey media barrage is a distraction any way you shake it.


Well-Known Member

god you guys have short memories



Well-Known Member
somebody get caught jay walking? I'm sure Mueller is not investigating state crimes.

Even you aren't that dumb.

For instance:

Manaforts' crimes occurred in NY.

Sure, Trump could pardon Manafort, for instance, and then some NY legal team would run with the charges and put Manafort in jail for the rest of his life.

Sorry kids, laundering $75M isn't anything to sneeze at.

Yes, it's a white-collar crime that, in a different circumstance might have been worked out.

Not this time!


Well-Known Member
Even you aren't that dumb.

For instance:

Manaforts' crimes occurred in NY.

Sure, Trump could pardon Manafort, for instance, and then some NY legal team would run with the charges and put Manafort in jail for the rest of his life.

Sorry kids, laundering $75M isn't anything to sneeze at.

Yes, it's a white-collar crime that, in a different circumstance might have been worked out.

Not this time!
Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. Are you saying Manafort is as bad as Rich was?