President Trump


Well-Known Member
Just an analogy. You and your Drumpfees do nothing but deflect to what other people ( mainly the Clinton's ) have done . He was right when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and you'd still vote for him.
You're not that dense, even I know that.


Well-Known Member
Even you aren't that dumb.

For instance:

Manaforts' crimes occurred in NY.

Sure, Trump could pardon Manafort, for instance, and then some NY legal team would run with the charges and put Manafort in jail for the rest of his life.

Sorry kids, laundering $75M isn't anything to sneeze at.

Yes, it's a white-collar crime that, in a different circumstance might have been worked out.

Not this time!
What's a NY legal team?


Well-Known Member
I have two Japanese made vehicles; one built here ( 2008 ) and the other built in Japan ( 2002 ). The one built in Japan has had fewer recalls than the one built here.

that's fine but cosmo's calling trump a clown for asking japan to build more cars here does not make any sense.


Strength through joy
with so little going on in the world this pending international crisis is show cased by the media. Accusation by some sources that trump dumped his koi food.

Trump Dumps Entire Box Of Fish Food Into Pond, Angers Twitter

and then the full video of what actually happened.

Our media should remember this before posting their garbage; “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”