President Trump


Staff member
Uranium one is so stupid. Clinton’s getting paid 500,000 for a speech in Russia from a bank being investigated after Hillary being against Russian sanctions. When Bill Was Paid $500,000 to Speak in Russia, Hillary Opposed State Dept. Sanctions

Yeah and the Clinton foundation receiving 145 million dollars from the owners of uranium one.

Nothing to see here people, Clinton is clean it’s Trump that is working with the Russians! He stole the election with Russian help even though the Clinton have been in their pocket for 8 years. Don’t be silly you conspiracy theorist! We need to get Trump he is working with Russia.
Nope. Trump won the election.

And he's been working with the Russians for decades. Lots of money to follow.

That dude's dirty as business politicians come.


Well-Known Member
This all went down while Melania was home with Barron, can't imagine what she thinks about it. Dude's a mess.
You married? Is that a stone you can throw? @
Nope. Trump won the election.

And he's been working with the Russians for decades. Lots of money to follow.

That dude's dirty as business politicians come.

Hard to be a developer, with projects in Russia with no money involved, so I'll agree with that statement.
The last sentence is a great leap, which you have no evidence or proof and is based solely on your hatred for Donald J Trump. By the way, he's still your president.




Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
And this proves what?

Lambert allegedly tried to bribe an official at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corp.

The indictment, handed up in Maryland, says Lambert tried to conceal the payments with the code words “lucky figures,” “lucky numbers” and “cake.”
Lambert’s aim was to win contracts to ship uranium to the US.
just a first step is all


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
And this proves what?

Lambert allegedly tried to bribe an official at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corp.

The indictment, handed up in Maryland, says Lambert tried to conceal the payments with the code words “lucky figures,” “lucky numbers” and “cake.”
Lambert’s aim was to win contracts to ship uranium to the US.
dont worry there are going to be some never trumpers that were involved in this to going down, wont just be dems


golden ticket member
wonder what Hillary thought when it went down with Bill. many times.
Hillary had no empathy for the women her husband raped but she pretends to have feelings for the assaulted women of Hollywood.......fake....the whole family are fake flakes!!

Do they allow grandkids to visit grandmas in jail??


Staff member
Noooo.... just at a quieter level .... much quieter ....
So when the corruption, graft and lawlessness is out in the open for all to see, just ignore it and figure everybody does it. Right.

That's literally an arrogance above the law.


Victory Ride
So when the corruption, graft and lawlessness is out in the open for all to see, just ignore it and figure everybody does it. Right.

That's literally an arrogance above the law.
I am not sure of any President that didn’t have degrees of corruption .... it’s just so easy now 2 microscope everything