President Trump


Well-Known Member
Romney paid a price for Romneycare. But he also had a proven track record for creating companies. What was Obama's record?

Which doesn't answer my question.

Obama is a lot of things, but 'Socialist' doesn't fit the bill.

Would a Socialist bail out the banks?


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that calling Obama a 'Socialist' and going on to compare him to the 'Democratic Socialist' party in Europe is mixing metaphors.
Given total control of the government the Democrats were clearly trying to move us toward the European model of socialism, starting with healthcare. The Republicans got control of the House, then the Senate, and Obama, Reid, and Pelosi were stymied.


Well-Known Member
Screw the bailouts, a 'Socialist' would have put the army into the streets, Nationalized the banks and failing auto manufacturers, and called it a day.