President Trump

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
The money needed to turn Haiti from a :censored2:-hole into a tropical paradise is sitting in Hillary & Bill Clinton's bank account.


Nine Lives
It seems to me that calling Obama a 'Socialist' and going on to compare him to the 'Democratic Socialist' party in Europe is mixing metaphors.
'European Socialism' is the Socialism that exists in the world for the last 50 years.
I am a pragmatist and believe in empirical evidence.
Obviously, the Socialism you believe in is just some theory in your head or a book.


Nine Lives

And respoken today by one of my favorite politicians and public servants Andrew Young on MTP today.

Now back to trolling ...

You should know one one when you see one ...

or you can just come to Current Events ...

not that our ignorance and stupidity will not affect the world.
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Well-Known Member
'European Socialism' is the Socialism that exists in the world for the last 50 years.
I am a pragmatist and believe in empirical evidence.
Obviously, the Socialism you believe in is just some theory in your head or a book.

I'm not the one calling Obama a Socialist - I like how I say Obama is a capitalist, and all of a sudden I have particular theories about Socialism.


Well-Known Member
If you like it, I can keep it up for a while longer!

Me too.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I fail to see how Obama is a Socialist. When I ask how he's a Socialist, I get vague answers about the ACA and 'European' Socialism.


This is one of the problems with the Current Events crowd - terms are thrown about with little respect for their meaning.

I guess I should have known all along that when people were calling Obama a 'Socialist', they really meant the European model.



Nine Lives
Me too.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
An interesting choice of reference ... I did read it and also the following link off of it:

No country in the developed world is 0% socialist (even not taking in account the military, the police or judicial institutions in the public sector), no one is more than 30% socialist by this measurement. France is above the average.

To conclude, I will say that people who pretend that France is a socialist country because of its public spendings that amount to 56–57% of the French GDP are mistaken. Most of public spendings have nothing to do with funding a public or “socialist” sector. Most of this spending is about making social transfers and redistribution.
The author's contention is that social transfers and redistribution is not a Socialist action.
Sorry but that's just plain out lying not to mention a stupid basis for determining how Socialist a country is.

It has always been my contention that the USA is a Socialist country post-WWII. JMO

I can understand not including these 3 as a base for 0% Socialism.


Nine Lives
I made a killer chili tonight...I impressed myself, which is no small feat.

I went off the reservation and threw in cocoa powder and almond butter...going for a 'mole' type deal.

I'll save you a bowl...
Sounds good ... I made chili earlier today as well but I did have beans, onions, cheese and sour cream in mine.

Too old to partake of the real stuff.