President Trump


Well-Known Member
Better than anything O'Bummer did about NK! SMH

This is the level of discourse from Trump supporters. I mean name calling and this kind of I know you are but what am I thing going on.

But what trump is doing by hiring and not even vetting that doctor to head the VA should at least garner some criticism from those who claim to love the troops that trump would put an unqualified person in charge of and not even vet him and this is a repeat problem.

He didn't vet Manafort and his connections. He didn't vet Mike Flynn and his connections. He didn't vet that woman beater Roberts, how many trump officials have quit because of corruption or incompetence? A lot of them. How many people has Trump hired that he then criticizes as corrupt or incompetent? A lot of them.

This level of turmoil within his administration objectively suggests a white house that doesn't know what it is doing and one that doesn't hire competent or uncorrupted people.

This should trouble trump supporters because one of the things they said they loved about trump is that he had run a successful business and therefore he knew how to manage people and get the right people in positions.

Clearly that has not been the case, yet trump supporters don't care at all.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Like the Dims didn't have the same approach? SMH
It’s the brazen admission that I find shocking. Trump’s people aren’t even trying to spin or hide anything. It’s all out in the open, “Pay me and I’ll do what you want” That’s cool with republicans, but they’ll chase down any loony conspiracy theory about Hillary.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It’s the brazen admission that I find shocking. Trump’s people aren’t even trying to spin or hide anything. It’s all out in the open, “Pay me and I’ll do what you want” That’s cool with republicans, but they’ll chase down any loony conspiracy theory about Hillary.
Some people would call that transparency and honesty.


Well-Known Member
thank god Hillary was a choir girl
This line of thinking is irrational. Clinton is bad because she is corrupt, but trump's corruption is ok because Clinton is corrupt. smh.

Either corruption bothers you or it doesn't, but to be upset by Clinton's corruption while excusing trump's corruption is just plain illogical.


Well-Known Member
This line of thinking is irrational. Clinton is bad because she is corrupt, but trump's corruption is ok because Clinton is corrupt. smh.

Either corruption bothers you or it doesn't, but to be upset by Clinton's corruption while excusing trump's corruption is just plain illogical.
You missed one hurdle BIG BOY, name one instance of Trump corruption.

Why you keep dodging me big guy. Run out of answers?


Well-Known Member
This line of thinking is irrational. Clinton is bad because she is corrupt, but trump's corruption is ok because Clinton is corrupt. smh.

Either corruption bothers you or it doesn't, but to be upset by Clinton's corruption while excusing trump's corruption is just plain illogical.
Just site one instance of corruption, only one. No need for your long paragraphs, only one instance of Trump corruption.


Well-Known Member
You missed one hurdle BIG BOY, name one instance of Trump corruption.

Why you keep dodging me big guy. Run out of answers?

Trump's business is directly profiting from being president, he makes policy decisions that directly impact his business, that is massive corruption. People in trump's administration are openly corrupt and trump does nothing again that is massive corruption.


Well-Known Member
Trump's business is directly profiting from being president, he makes policy decisions that directly impact his business, that is massive corruption. People in trump's administration are openly corrupt and trump does nothing again that is massive corruption.
He makes policy decisions that are good for all businesses, not just his. It's inevitable that his business would benefit. That's a far cry from selling influence or putting national security at risk or covering up those crimes while under subpoena. Clinton flat out committed felonies and Obama et al covered for her. And they tried to at the very least smear him in hopes of an eventual impeachment. Democrats should be thanking Trump because if she had won she most likely would've presided over the most corrupt administration in history. Far beyond Trump cabinet members who ride 1st class or spend too much on office furniture. Yes, that stuff should stop and it appears once it comes out Trump does put a stop to it. But to compare it to the graft Hillary was conducting is laughable.


Well-Known Member
This is the level of discourse from Trump supporters. I mean name calling and this kind of I know you are but what am I thing going on.

But what trump is doing by hiring and not even vetting that doctor to head the VA should at least garner some criticism from those who claim to love the troops that trump would put an unqualified person in charge of and not even vet him and this is a repeat problem.

He didn't vet Manafort and his connections. He didn't vet Mike Flynn and his connections. He didn't vet that woman beater Roberts, how many trump officials have quit because of corruption or incompetence? A lot of them. How many people has Trump hired that he then criticizes as corrupt or incompetent? A lot of them.

This level of turmoil within his administration objectively suggests a white house that doesn't know what it is doing and one that doesn't hire competent or uncorrupted people.

This should trouble trump supporters because one of the things they said they loved about trump is that he had run a successful business and therefore he knew how to manage people and get the right people in positions.

Clearly that has not been the case, yet trump supporters don't care at all.
According to you they may not know what their doing, But I'm sure their kickin yourass everyday, Yourbitching is proof. How's the digestion working for ya?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
He makes policy decisions that are good for all businesses, not just his. It's inevitable that his business would benefit. That's a far cry from selling influence or putting national security at risk or covering up those crimes while under subpoena. Clinton flat out committed felonies and Obama et al covered for her. And they tried to at the very least smear him in hopes of an eventual impeachment. Democrats should be thanking Trump because if she had won she most likely would've presided over the most corrupt administration in history. Far beyond Trump cabinet members who ride 1st class or spend too much on office furniture. Yes, that stuff should stop and it appears once it comes out Trump does put a stop to it. But to compare it to the graft Hillary was conducting is laughable.
You haven’t been paying attention to the corruption in the cabinet. Scott Pruit alone has done wildly corrupt things and you don’t hear a peep from Trump. He doesn’t care if his team steals from the American people if he believes they are carrying out his agenda.

Mulvaney just said I only work for donors that pay me. He’s killing any work being done by the CFPB. He just shut down a case against payday lenders charging 900% interest rates. No reason given, I guess he thinks that’s ok. I’m guessing someone paid him.


Well-Known Member
You haven’t been paying attention to the corruption in the cabinet. Scott Pruit alone has done wildly corrupt things and you don’t hear a peep from Trump. He doesn’t care if his team steals from the American people if he believes they are carrying out his agenda.

Mulvaney just said I only work for donors that pay me. He’s killing any work being done by the CFPB. He just shut down a case against payday lenders charging 900% interest rates. No reason given, I guess he thinks that’s ok. I’m guessing someone paid him.
Please educate me on Pruitt's corruption. What I see is regulatory rollbacks that environmentalists don't like. Rollbacks that make it easier to conduct business. It's a difference in policy, not corruption. Mulvaney said they not only work for government, but donors also. Quite different than what you said. And at least transparent. Or are you going to tell me Democrats don't work for donors? FedEx Express would be unionized if not for Fred S donating mega millions to Democrat campaign coffers.


Well-Known Member
You need not worry about the Mueller investigation or the Southern District of New York Investigation. There's at least a 50-50 chance Trump will survive. Here is what worries me. Given how paranoid, vindictive and narcissistic Trump is come 2020 should he lose the GOP presidential nomination either in the primaries or at the convention his already reckless behavior could become so vengeful and vindictive that the resulting danger to the nation reaches levels that would otherwise require his removal from office but a weak spine Congress too worried about the security of their political careers will instead do nothing.

The consequences could prove devastating .


Well-Known Member
You need not worry about the Mueller investigation or the Southern District of New York Investigation. There's at least a 50-50 chance Trump will survive. Here is what worries me. Given how paranoid, vindictive and narcissistic Trump is come 2020 should he lose the GOP presidential nomination either in the primaries or at the convention his already reckless behavior could become so vengeful and vindictive that the resulting danger to the nation reaches levels that would otherwise require his removal from office but a weak spine Congress too worried about the security of their political careers will instead do nothing.

The consequences could prove devastating .
That's just silly. But then you think Putin can get 200 miles into NATO territory before NATO even realizes what happened.