President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I’m having a better time than y’all again

Jazz Festival next town over.


Well-Known Member
TEXT: Full Mueller indictment on Russian election case
I know some tRUmpsters in congress have called for charges, but haven't seen much else, unless this is what you are referring to: Committee to Defend the President v. FEC alleges failure to act on administrative complaint (D.D.C. 1:18-cv-00888-RDM) -

Is this like the Russian - NRA thing?

It would be great if you could cite sources for your definitive statements, otherwise it's just hearsay.
I see you've been to law school, what difference does it make whether he cites a source or not in determining if it is hearsay or not?

The criminal indictment you provided will never result in a trial or sanctions, but posting it makes you look sharp to some.... maybe.


Well-Known Member
If Trump didn’t do anything, then he has nothing to worry about.

It’s a ‘witch-hunt’ for sure, problem is, lots of witches are turning up.

Either way, Trump should stop acting so guilty, if he has nothing to worry about...


Well-Known Member
If Trump didn’t do anything, then he has nothing to worry about.

It’s a ‘witch-hunt’ for sure, problem is, lots of witches are turning up.

Either way, Trump should stop acting so guilty, if he has nothing to worry about...
He's not, he doesn't, and name these witches that are turning up.