President Trump


Inordinately Right
War mongerer?
Who called him that?
The guy dodged the draft about 14 times, he's got plenty of experience avoiding war.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
poor thing is now trying desperately to defend her "humor" . I don't know why people are so mean to her :)

Michelle Wolf Fires Back At Critics On Left And Right After Blazing White House Correspondents Dinner Set
Michelle Wolf was crass, insensitive and out of time zone (audience selection) but let's understand one thing here. She was on for all of 20 minutes. Let's be grown-ups and forget about it and move on. You can even make the choice of never watching another millisecond of her act. Sadly, the same thing can't be said about your "President" who has gone well into the nether-reaches an immature, narcissistic, misogynist, piggishly-foul, asinine, adulterer, lying, corrupt, undiplomatic slob. and you not just have had to witness all this crap for 2 1/2 years but you have at least 2 1/2 years more.....without a choice to turn away. So let's give Wolf one of those Drumpf "Mulligans" Kelly-Anne & Sarah ask for....OK?


Well-Known Member
Michelle Wolf was crass, insensitive and out of time zone (audience selection) but let's understand one thing here. She was on for all of 20 minutes. Let's be grown-ups and forget about it and move on. You can even make the choice of never watching another millisecond of her act. Sadly, the same thing can't be said about your "President" who has gone well into the nether-reaches an immature, narcissistic, misogynist, piggishly-foul, asinine, adulterer, lying, corrupt, undiplomatic slob. and you not just have had to witness all this crap for 2 1/2 years but you have at least 2 1/2 years more.....without a choice to turn away. So let's give Wolf one of those Drumpf "Mulligans" Kelly-Anne & Sarah ask for....OK?
Not acceptable.
On to 2020 then add 4 more, you go at math? Gonna be a longer road than you think, buckle up.:2guns:


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Michelle Wolf was crass, insensitive and out of time zone (audience selection) but let's understand one thing here. She was on for all of 20 minutes. Let's be grown-ups and forget about it and move on. You can even make the choice of never watching another millisecond of her act. Sadly, the same thing can't be said about your "President" who has gone well into the nether-reaches an immature, narcissistic, misogynist, piggishly-foul, asinine, adulterer, lying, corrupt, undiplomatic slob. and you not just have had to witness all this crap for 2 1/2 years but you have at least 2 1/2 years more.....without a choice to turn away. So let's give Wolf one of those Drumpf "Mulligans" Kelly-Anne & Sarah ask for....OK?
it is one thing to hit the president but it is another against women who work for him. Plus the fat jokes have nothing to do with her job.