President Trump


Inordinately Right
psssst someone tell the snowflake Obama took the money and ran



Well-Known Member
Do you know what an investigation is?
My point still stands. If Mueller has evidence of wrongdoing he should present it to a grand jury. Otherwise it's all speculation on your part. As a comparison Comey had already written an exoneration letter for Hillary before interviewing her or anyone else. She wasn't under oath when he did interview her and had granted immunity to her aides. Took no notes of her interview either. Compare that with how Trump is being treated. We know for a fact Hillary committed crimes and was let off the hook. The Mueller investigation is searching for a crime to hang Trump with. They're going to keep this circus going in hope of the Democrats winning back Congress so that they can impeach Trump on the slightest thing. The Russian collusion narrative has fallen apart so they have to find something like twisting Trump's words to accuse him of lying under oath.


Inordinately Right
Trump 2020
I'm not sure a medically obese 78 year old man with an anger problem and family history of dementia would be a wise choice for leader of the free world. Especially one who inhales big macs like it's his job. Dude wouldn't make it out alive lol.

We've tried Gerontocracy for a while now, it's not working. Time for some young blood in there.


I'm not sure a medically obese 78 year old man with an anger problem and family history of dementia would be a wise choice for leader of the free world. Especially one who inhales big macs like it's his job. Dude wouldn't make it out alive lol.

We've tried Gerontocracy for a while now, it's not working. Time for some young blood in there.

SilverBullet 2020