President Trump


nowhere special
More than likely he's trying to get Trump to say something that he can twist. If he has evidence present it. Why does he need Trump to answer questions?
That's how he operates. He has a history of those tactics and had several cases later thrown out because of his bending the law.


Staff member
More than likely he's trying to get Trump to say something that he can twist. If he has evidence present it. Why does he need Trump to answer questions?
I don’t think he does need Trump to answer questions.

But Trump is part of the investigation so it’s logical that he would want to.


Staff member
More than likely he's trying to get Trump to say something that he can twist. If he has evidence present it. Why does he need Trump to answer questions?
Do you remember the OJ trial? Did the investigators present their evidence before indictment?

I don’t think that’s the way it usually works.


Well-Known Member
Do you remember the OJ trial? Did the investigators present their evidence before indictment?

I don’t think that’s the way it usually works.
Did they present OJ with dozens of questions to answer before the trial? If Mueller has evidence of a crime he should seek indictment from a grand jury. Not go fishing.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
the what were you thinking questions? that my friend is called a fishing expedition.

Mueller already has what he needs. Just wants to see how much Trump would like to lie about before he wraps this thing up. Trump would be a fool to talk voluntarily and add more charges.

time to handle this like Hillary with a little executive priveledge thrown in.

I don't remember followed by I have a right to do what I want as president.

make sure you call me Mr. President bob or this wont go well.

100% Best not to talk to Mueller and play the executive privilege card. It won’t save him, but it won’t make things worse than they might have been otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Mueller already has what he needs. Just wants to see how much Trump would like to lie about before he wraps this thing up. T.

that's just plain silly.
if Mueller has what he needs then there is no reason to interview Trump.

if he does not have what he needs then he needs to interview Trump.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
trump coming out of the white house