President Trump


Well-Known Member
republicans do not care about policy. It doesn't matter that trump failed with this separating families policy.

He is a very weak president, he laments our immigration laws like he is a bystander.

One would expect republican voters who love trump because of his immigration policies would be upset that he is failing miserably at those policies. But his failure doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
republicans do not care about policy. It doesn't matter that trump failed with this separating families policy.

He is a very weak president, he laments our immigration laws like he is a bystander.

One would expect republican voters who love trump because of his immigration policies would be upset that he is failing miserably at those policies. But his failure doesn't matter.

yea right. Obama used to flex in the mirror and see Trump and dream about looking like a real man.


Well-Known Member
yea right. Obama used to flex in the mirror and see Trump and dream about looking like a real man.
Again, these are the kind of responses that republicans provide to trump taking toddlers from parents and then turning tail and running away from that policy while whining about the nation's immigration laws as if he is a bystander.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I was tired and had just taken my sleeping meds,
it was midnight and I was flipping channels
when I spied a rerun of Trump's rally in @rod land.
Trump's speech or whatever it was, was quite funny!
I think this is the first time I 've seen him at a rally.
he was entertaining and like I said, funny.


Retired 23 years
I was tired and had just taken my sleeping meds,
it was midnight and I was flipping channels
when I spied a rerun of Trump's rally in @rod land.
Trump's speech or whatever it was, was quite funny!
I think this is the first time I 've seen him at a rally.
he was entertaining and like I said, funny.

rod land is the place to be


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I was tired and had just taken my sleeping meds,
it was midnight and I was flipping channels
when I spied a rerun of Trump's rally in @rod land.
Trump's speech or whatever it was, was quite funny!
I think this is the first time I 've seen him at a rally.
he was entertaining and like I said, funny.
I went to one last year.
I've seen the Rolling Stones three times.
It was like I was seein' them for a fourth time but instead of Jagger it was Trump.


Well-Known Member
Again, these are the kind of responses that republicans provide to trump taking toddlers from parents and then turning tail and running away from that policy while whining about the nation's immigration laws as if he is a bystander.

12000 kids presently in detention. 10000 of those were sent here by their selves by their parents. their parents separated them when they sent them here on a dangerious journey by their selves. Stop reading the Nancy Pelosi talking points and do your own research.


Well-Known Member
Again, these are the kind of responses that republicans provide to trump taking toddlers from parents and then turning tail and running away from that policy while whining about the nation's immigration laws as if he is a bystander.

not my fault your guy was a pusillanimous. you wimps elected him and republicans got to watch him be bitch slapped by the world and stumble constantly.


Bad Moon Risen'
Not in Europe. Where's the video? More fake news?

Edit: Saw both the video of the McAllen detention center and one of a CBS reporter who did a walk through with officials. According to him children 4 and younger are never separated from their parents at any time unless the parent has an extensive criminal history. And then it's only while the parent is being processed. Children older than 4 can be separated from parents while they are being processed, but it's a matter of at most 4 or 5 hours. Everyone in the facility gets two meals a day but can request extra food like sandwiches. He said kids eating snacks, mothers holding babies, and people looked fine and ok. And they told him they were. He said the place was very sterile and clean. Hardly a Nazi concentration camp.
Are you delusional? Parents and children are housed in different states and you believe they're only separated for hours?