President Trump


Well-Known Member
I loath Trump but he is our Pres and as I learned early on as a manager, you work with what you got.

I don't , he's the ultimate disrupter .

when he leaves the white house every facet of the swamp will have been completely exposed for its dishonesty .

media elitist exposed for their blatant biases.
late night TV and comedy shows that work to serve their liberal masters - has anyone ever seen SNL do a Pelosi or Maxine waters skit slamming either one of them.
politicians fighting to only preserve their job for the next term
the evils of our spy agencies and FBI who pick on whom they please.
the incredible waste of a government that spends all its time fighting the other side.

Trump is shining the brightest spotlight imaginable on just what a fricked up government and media we have.

I always said that if I could be president I would be a one termer because I would go in and disrupt the status quo and piss everyone off.
Trump is living my dream and doing it well. the only thing is he might be talented enough to make this a two term gig.

when he's done the world will lay in bed and smoke the biggest after sex cigarette ever seen.


Just a turd
I don't , he's the ultimate disrupter .

when he leaves the white house every facet of the swamp will have been completely exposed for its dishonesty .

media elitist exposed for their blatant biases.
late night TV and comedy shows that work to serve their liberal masters - has anyone ever seen SNL do a Pelosi or Maxine waters skit slamming either one of them.
politicians fighting to only preserve their job for the next term
the evils of our spy agencies and FBI who pick on whom they please.
the incredible waste of a government that spends all its time fighting the other side.

Trump is shining the brightest spotlight imaginable on just what a fricked up government and media we have.

I always said that if I could be president I would be a one termer because I would go in and disrupt the status quo and piss everyone off.
Trump is living my dream and doing it well. the only thing is he might be talented enough to make this a two term gig.

when he's done the world will lay in bed and smoke the biggest after sex cigarette ever seen.

Is he exposing the swamp by having the swampiest cabinet in the history of government?


Well-Known Member
Nothing as swampy as Trumps has been.

like gaither who didn't pay his taxes? did I mention he was a top wall streeter there to fix wall street?

maybe scandal ridden holder who weaponized the justice department for his personal mission and was held in contempt of congress

maybe lynch who while an active investigation is going on secretly meets with the principles husband on a tarmac?

maybe steve chu who left in a cloud of scandal

oh that's right you're the guy that got a woody listening to Obama make pretty speeches and didn't care about anything else.