President Trump


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Uh, that's exactly what Trump is claiming he did. He declared North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat after their meeting. Meanwhile they're upgrading their nuclear capabilities....
You must have missed where Trump said that it was the start of numerous meetings. And that it could take longer than that.


Well-Known Member
Stop spinning :censored2:.
"There is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea" were his own words.
And yet government reps from both sides are going to meet in a series of meetings to hammer out a final agreement. Why would you think otherwise? Y'all so eagerly look for anything to smear him on and make yourselves look uninformed in the process. Sure, took many months to get an Iran agreement, but Trump is supposed to settle everything with just one meeting. Right.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Liberals here hate Trump so much, they will give up all there 401k gaines since he was elected to see him fail..I'm not giving up my 100k+ because he's not Hillary. The dow would be sitting at 17k or less with her in office.Enjoy your retirement income while bitching!


Well-Known Member
You can't admit you disagree with him. You're hilarious. What a trumpflake.

Thanks for the lulz.
And you can't help yourself cherry picking quotes. Trump made it very clear that this was a process that would require numerous meetings. And that he was willing to walk away if the North Koreans weren't negotiating in good faith. If you're not willing to take his statements in totality then you're just another disingenuous Trump basher.


Well-Known Member
The fact that he could actually end up putting in 3 Conservtive Judges inside of two terms is really something. I believe it has been over 50 yrs since the Supreme Court had a conservative majority.


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Well-Known Member
The fact that he could actually end up putting in 3 Conservtive Judges inside of two terms is really something. I believe it has been over 50 yrs since the Supreme Court had a conservative majority.

yep rooting for ginsburg to take a fall. Heard she's been working out trying to hang in there for a lib. she should have retired when O was president.