President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Face it. Drumpf got played. They are upgrading not sitting idle waiting for an agreement. You can't spin that bro.

Your political biases wish Trump had been played, yet all the cards have not been dealt with.

On the flip side, others are claiming victory, prematurely.

Trump is claiming victory ahead of schedule, but that's what Trump does.

Shouldn't we all wish for the best with this despite who makes it happen?

With the hope of no nukes in NK..and with no rockets being fired off for months now, shouldn't we let things play out?


Your political biases wish Trump had been played, yet all the cards have not been dealt with.

On the flip side, others are claiming victory, prematurely.

Trump is claiming victory ahead of schedule, but that's what Trump does.

Shouldn't we all wish for the best with this despite who makes it happen?

With the hope of no nukes in NK..and with no rockets being fired off for months now, shouldn't we let things play out?
They still have their nukes. ttku


Well-Known Member
Your political biases wish Trump had been played, yet all the cards have not been dealt with.

On the flip side, others are claiming victory, prematurely.

Trump is claiming victory ahead of schedule, but that's what Trump does.

Shouldn't we all wish for the best with this despite who makes it happen?

With the hope of no nukes in NK..and with no rockets being fired off for months now, shouldn't we let things play out?

Trump wishes he could get as good a deal as what was brokered with Iran.

NK actually has nukes, unlike Iran.

OK, I’ll give you the ‘let’s see what happens’ card.

We’ll see, and I hope it goes well.

But so far, Kim Jong Won!


And negotiations have just begun... TTku Did you not read my post?
So far Drumpf has backed off on " maximum pressure", given Kim Jong Un the face to face meeting his regime has wanted for more than half a century, and ending the military drills with South Korea. Drumpf gets in return North Korea upgrading their nuclear weapons research site. Hmm..........


Well-Known Member
And negotiations have just begun... TTku Did you not read my post?

I have to say, you’re being really over-the-top optimistic about this one.

I know Obama isn’t Trump, but the ‘right’ almost lost their collective minds when the Iran deal was being worked out.

Now, working with despotic murderous dictators is OK?

So far, Trump has only secured unicorn promises, yet you feel really good, and you think we should all just trust that it’s all good?

Come on man, I was born at night but it wasn’t last night.

You’re suffering from ‘irrational exuberance’.


Well-Known Member
Trump wishes he could get as good a deal as what was brokered with Iran.

NK actually has nukes, unlike Iran.

OK, I’ll give you the ‘let’s see what happens’ card.

We’ll see, and I hope it goes well.

But so far, Kim Jong Won!

better hurry up and claim your victory before these negotiations really get cranking


Well-Known Member
Tell me are you going to get cooperation from a dictator if you don't allow him to save face with his people? If he goes home looking weak one of his generals might decide he wants to be dictator. And apparently some of you think Trump was supposed to show up, open up his briefcase and take out a contract, have both sides lawyers look it over, have it signed and notarized, and voila!, a done deal. How many months did the Iran deal take? And yet y'all act like all Trump has to do is flip a switch. Seriously?


Inordinately Right
y'all act like all Trump has to do is flip a switch. Seriously?
Uh, that's exactly what Trump is claiming he did. He declared North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat after their meeting. Meanwhile they're upgrading their nuclear capabilities....

You act like everyone is out to get Trump, but the truth is that he's his own worst enemy.


Well-Known Member
Uh, that's exactly what Trump is claiming he did. He declared North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat after their meeting. Meanwhile they're upgrading their nuclear capabilities....

You act like everyone is out to get Trump, but the truth is that he's his own worst enemy.
Oh yeah, no one is out to get him, LOL!