President Trump


Well-Known Member
Maybe. So what? Whining about it doesn’t do any good.

this is a pissing contest. it does not matter who is innocent or guilty only who can get whom.

in that realm Trump has to keep selling the point that the system and the process Is corrupt.

trump has a lot of faults but one thing he's done well is expose you how rancid our processes are.


Staff member
this is a pissing contest. it does not matter who is innocent or guilty only who can get whom.

in that realm Trump has to keep selling the point that the system and the process Is corrupt.

trump has a lot of faults but one thing he's done well is expose you how rancid our processes are.
The problem is that he’s saying, “Sure I’m a rancid swamp creature. So are the others.”

That’s all the same. Somehow just being -politically incorrect ass is better?


Well-Known Member
The problem is that he’s saying, “Sure I’m a rancid swamp creature. So are the others.”

That’s all the same. Somehow just being -politically incorrect ass is better?

its not his style to be gentlemanly nor politically correct. He's gangsta


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The problem is that he’s saying, “Sure I’m a rancid swamp creature. So are the others.”

That’s all the same. Somehow just being -politically incorrect ass is better?

The guy has never said he is a rancid swamp creature . He would be the very best and biggest if he was.
He ain't humble. I like that about him. Lots of folks that aren't comfortable in their own skin can't stand it . The guy makes me laugh while others vomit.
As the Left expose more and more of his creature habits they dig up and put out for the public hanging, it always produces just the opposite reaction. Its went well past the point of, "is that all you got?". The overkill is laughable. Its so obvious its sad to watch.
The public is well beyond any measure of political correctness. 8 years of that dance produced "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people."-- Clint
His political incorrectness is refreshing.
He is the best ass thats been in the office for a long time.


Well-Known Member
The Trump administration is headed for a gigantic debt headache

Look at those tax cuts!! Paying for themselves already!!
The cold facts as set forth by the US Treasury speak for themselves. Economic growth is NOT offsetting the tax cuts. Revenues are lagging behind last year. Treasury has made it clear that it will have to increase borrowing. As a result people at the bottom whose tax cut was minimal will see it more than offset by higher interest rates and retaliatory tariffs which will make everything they buy more expensive.
So why are the Trumpeters so surprised at this news when this outcome was made as plain as day by the Treasury and CBO ahead of the vote on the bill?
Simple . It was a Donald Trump political stunt.
Oh sure ....."cut spending " some of you will no doubt holler. Yes we could do that but since many are key services that are mandated by law they'll simply be passed down to the states...... and they'll have to either raise state taxes or pass it down to the local municipalities...... and they'll have to raise taxes.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The Trump administration is headed for a gigantic debt headache

Look at those tax cuts!! Paying for themselves already!!
First off - CNBC !!!

However, I agree with the sentiment in the made up article.
If I were going to make something up, I think it would be much like this.

  • Debt levels are piling up in the government, pushing borrowing costs higher.
  • The Treasury Department announced Wednesday that it will be increasing the size of its auctions to help pay for burgeoning budget deficits.
  • While the Trump administration has said that economic growth would make up for shortfalls from tax cuts and spending increases, the early results do not bear that out.
My fears are coming true it seems.
Interest rates and inflation rates will creep up and people living on a fixed income like me will quickly turn into Anti-Trumpers.



Staff member
First off - CNBC !!!

However, I agree with the sentiment in the made up article.
If I were going to make something up, I think it would be much like this.

  • Debt levels are piling up in the government, pushing borrowing costs higher.
  • The Treasury Department announced Wednesday that it will be increasing the size of its auctions to help pay for burgeoning budget deficits.
  • While the Trump administration has said that economic growth would make up for shortfalls from tax cuts and spending increases, the early results do not bear that out.
My fears are coming true it seems.
Interest rates and inflation rates will creep up and people living on a fixed income like me will quickly turn into Anti-Trumpers.

Oh. You mean like everyone and their mom told you before? That all the stimulus on an already growing economy would only cause the Fed to step in and cool it down? That the $20 trillion American economy isn’t a “kitchen table” kind of business?

Shocking. Just shocking.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Oh. You mean like everyone and their mom told you before? That all the stimulus on an already growing economy would only cause the Fed to step in and cool it down? That the $20 trillion American economy isn’t a “kitchen table” kind of business?

Shocking. Just shocking.
I was agreeing with you dipsctick!

I was saying the same thing way back when this was going down.
@BrownArmy were discussing it.
I guess the discussion was too far above your head for you understand it.

I don't see 17% interest rates but 7-9% is a realistic planning scenario.


Staff member
I was agreeing with you dipsctick!

I was saying the same thing way back when this was going down.
@BrownArmy were discussing it.
I guess the discussion was too far above your head for you understand it.

I don't see 17% interest rates but 7-9% is a realistic planning scenario.
I know you were agreeing with me jerkface. It just took you an awfully long time to agree.

More likely it took you a long time to openly admit that you agree.


Staff member
I was agreeing with you dipsctick!

I was saying the same thing way back when this was going down.
@BrownArmy were discussing it.
I guess the discussion was too far above your head for you understand it.

I don't see 17% interest rates but 7-9% is a realistic planning scenario.
7 to 9% after years of 0 to 3%...May as well be 17%.


Well-Known Member
None of this is a surprise, but it has been surprising how well things are going.

Maybe Ol Twitter Fingers will be able to avoid the naysayers.

Maybe we will have 5% growth ‘forever and ever’, and maybe he’ll fix all the trade deals one at a time, and maybe we’ll never have a recession again.

We’ll see.