President Trump


Well-Known Member
It would now appear that the focus of the investigation is now focused on Don Jr. If he ends up going to jail and given the cloud of suspicion that would hang over the Trump organization you could very well end up with March 1968 all over again when a sitting president once again announces to the nation that he will not seek reelection.
Mueller has his clear, specific and defined orders from the Justice Department. He will carry out those orders to their full , fair and complete conclusion.

fabled to exist but never seen



Well-Known Member
What exactly is it you believe the Russians did that changed the election?
If they altered the voting results or stuffed the ballot boxes, then I agree.
If they tried to influence the electorate with misinformation, hell, the media does that every day.
I suspect you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it had HC won.

if i may add to your comments I know they currently have no problem with Hilary's confirmed collusion with the russians.


Well-Known Member
Do you believe that the Trump campaign was informed that the Russians were attempting to infiltrate their campaign?

i know the Obama administration was informed and chose to do nothing. That really is the relevant question since the Obama folks had the power to do something .


Staff member
i know the Obama administration was informed and chose to do nothing. That really is the relevant question since the Obama folks had the power to do something .
So you believe that the Trump campaign was not informed? I even referenced a Fox News story pointing out that they were.


Well-Known Member
i know the Obama administration was informed and chose to do nothing. That really is the relevant question since the Obama folks had the power to do something .
Newfie, Donald Trump is trying to do the exact same thing Nixon tried and failed to do. Focus the public's attention on the media. past administrations, unsuccessful campaigns on the part of political adversaries etc,etc.. All part of an extensive effort to deflect attention away from his own actions. It didn't work for Nixon and it will not work for Trump despite your efforts to assist him.

The rule of law along with as good Republican Joe Scarborough pointed out the intelligence community always win and they will in the Russian collusion case . That is the reason why they exist in the first place and I'm sure that Mr. Trump appreciates your efforts to help him but I don't think that in the end it will make much of a difference.


Well-Known Member
Your side is getting awfully nervous. Rightfully so.

our side aint that one creating these wild fairy tales. your side is so desperate for something we now have that winner by itty .

dirt now has value and can be an unreported gift. you guys know how to sling the crap.


Well-Known Member
Newfie, Donald Trump is trying to do the exact same thing Nixon tried and failed to do. Focus the public's attention on the media. past administrations, unsuccessful campaigns on the part of political adversaries etc,etc.. All part of an extensive effort to deflect attention away from his own actions. It didn't work for Nixon and it will not work for Trump despite your efforts to assist him.

The rule of law along with as good Republican Joe Scarborough pointed out the intelligence community always win and they will in the Russian collusion case . That is the reason why they exist in the first place and I'm sure that Mr. Trump appreciates your efforts to help him but I don't think that in the end it will make much of a difference.

did your alleged protestant church force you to believe this?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
our side aint that one creating these wild fairy tales. your side is so desperate for something we now have that winner by itty .

dirt now has value and can be an unreported gift. you guys know how to sling the crap.
Yes, you’ve clearly demonstrated you don’t believe information has value. The civilized world disagrees.


Well-Known Member
If Hillary had won she would've sold the Lincoln Memorial to the Russians, then deleted the emails.
Ridiculous comments such as this represents conclusive proof that die hard backers of the Trump administration are becoming increasingly worried that his presidency may fall. If it were to do so and if the Constitution is allowed to function as designed a new person will take the oath of office and the country will continue forward.